Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1008398.1
Update Date:2011-05-31

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1008398.1 :   How to Reset an X64 platform  

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Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>x64 Servers


Applies to:

Sun Ultra 20 Workstation
Sun Fire X2100 Server
Sun Fire X2200 M2 Server
Sun Fire X4100 M2 Server
Sun Fire X4600 M2 Server
All Platforms


This document addresses resetting a X64 system when a reboot cannot be performed from the OS. If a reboot cannot be performed from the OS, it is necessary to reset the system. You can do this using ipmitool commands or from the command line interface (CLI) on ILOM / ELOM / Service Processor.

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   - Cannot reboot system from OS


Steps to Follow

Use the following procedure only if you can't shutdown or reboot the system gracefully, typically when your system is hung.

CAUTION Reseting or rebooting a system without using OS procedure can cause data lost or data corruption.

See also Technical Instruction 1012991.1 How to check if your x64 platform system hang actually is a system hang to confirm that your system is hung.

  1. In general you have 7 methods to reset a X64 server system.
    • Disconnect from power
    • Use the appropriate ipmitool command to reset or powercycle the server
    • Use the power button on the server
    • Use the appropriate ILOM/ELOM CLI command(s) to reset or power cycle the server
    • Use the web interface to iLOM / eLOM
    • Use the NMI button if any
    • Use the Reset button if any
  2. There are 2 methods to reset a X64 workstation
    • Disconnect from power
    • Use the power button on the workstation
  3. References for servers and workstations
  4. Examples

    x4100 / x4200 / x4500 / x4600 / x4100 M2 / x4200 M2 / X4600 M2:

    •  Use the ipmitool to reset the platform:

      # ipmitool -H <ilom_ip_address> -U root chassis power reset

    • Use the web interface to reset the platform
    • Use the recessed button at the back
    • Press the power button for more than 4 sec.
    • Use the CLI on the ILOM

      reset /SYS

    v20z /v40z:

    • Press the power button for more than 4 sec., the platform will be off
    • Use the CLI on the SP

      platform set power state -f or platform set os state reboot -f

    U20 / U40:

    • Press power button for 4 sec.
    • Remove power cord for a few seconds.

    x2100 / x2200 M2:

    •  Use the ipmitool to reset the platform:

      # ipmitool -H <ilom_ip_address> -U root chassis power reset

    • Press power button for 4 sec.
    • Use the web interface to reset the platform (not x2100 non-M2)
    • Use the CLI on the SP

      set /SP/SystemInfo/CtrlInfo PowerCtrl=reset

Internal Comments
This document contains normalized content and is managed by the the Domain Lead(s) of the
respective domains. To notify content owners of a knowledge gap contained in this document,
and/or prior to updating this document, please contact the domain engineers that are managing this
document via the "Document Feedback" alias(es) listed below:

Normalization team alias:
Domain Lead:

X64, normalized, reset, reboot, ipmitool, hang, hung
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