Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1009114.1
Update Date:2009-09-15

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1009114.1 :   Sun[TM] B1600:Tech Tip:Automatic MDI/MDIX switchover capability in B1600 switch.  

Related Items
  • Sun Fire B1600 Blade System Chassis
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>Blade Servers


The intent of this document is to give information on MDI/MDIX switchover
capability in B1600 switch and its relationship to autonegotiation.

Steps to Follow
Standard wiring on an end station (host) is known as Medium Dependent
Interface (MDI). The wiring on the switch is opposite to that of the end
station and is called Medium Dependent Interface Crossover (MDIX).
Normally for the link to get established between 2 switches or between 2
hosts (in otherwords, between like devices) a crossover cable is used. A
straight through cable is used to connect a host to a switch.
Many of the newer devices have the capability to detect the cable type and
to automatically switchover from MDI to MDIX or vice-versa. This capability
is called autoswitching or automatic crossover.
B1600 incorporates this autoswitching capablity and this feature is enabled
by default.  This means that the link gets established between a B1600
switch and another device (could be switch or host) irrespective of the
type of cable used. However, this autoswitch capabiity gets turned off when
autonegotiation is disabled. This means that with autonegotiation disabled,
it is a must to use a crossover cable between B1600 switch and another
"like device" such as a switch or hub.
It is important to note that MDI/MDIX autoswitching and autonegotiation are two
different and independent features. It is just that the B1600 switches are
programmed such that the autoswitching capability is turned on  when
autonegotiation is enabled and gets turned off when autonegotiation is

Sun Fire B1600 Blade System Chassis

Internal Comments

stiletto, B1600, Accton switch, autonegotiation, autoswitch
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Date: 2006-01-23
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Action: Update Canceled
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Date: 2006-01-23
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Date: 2004-03-25
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Date: 2004-03-25
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Date: 2004-03-24
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Date: 2004-03-24
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Date: 2004-02-26
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Date: 2004-02-25
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Date: 2004-02-24
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Date: 2004-02-24
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Date: 2004-02-24
User Name: 116528
Action: Created
Version: 0
10bec5e4-5865-11d6-9ffc-c65b6cd3fd7d|Sun Fire B1600 Blade System Chassis

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