Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1009556.1
Update Date:2011-05-24

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1009556.1 :   How to verify connectivity on Oracle/Sun Branded Host Bus Adaptors (HBAs)  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage T3 Array
  • Sun Storage T3+ Array
  • Sun Storage 6020 Array
  • Sun Storage 3511 SATA Array
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Boards>Fibre Channel


Applies to:

Sun Storage 3511 SATA Array
Sun Storage T3 Array
Sun Storage 6020 Array - Version: Not Applicable and later    [Release: N/A and later]
All Platforms



In order to provide you the most accurate fix, please validate each statement under "Symptoms" is true for your environment.

These symptoms will link you into relevant content that will:

1) tell you how to validate the listed symptom and
2) tell you how to fix the symptom if it is true for your environment.

The listed symptoms are ordered in the most appropriate sequence to isolate the issue and be certain about the related fix. Please do not skip a step.


- Device disappeared

- Device offline

- Cannot see device in luxadm commands

- Can not see device in format

- Device is unconfigured

NOTE: This document assumes that Oracle/Sun Branded HBAs are installed.
See DocID 1282491.1 How to identify Oracle Fibre Channel (FC) HBA and CNA Cards and Their Slot Locations


Steps to Follow

NOTE: This document is a sub-set of Troubleshooting Fibre Channel Devices from the OS (DocID 1009557.1)

The steps below will help confirm that the HBA is visible to the OS and the devices can be seen from the HBA.

1.Use the "luxadm -e port" command to verify HBA has established communication with a node.


# luxadm -e port
/devices/pci@1f,4000/SUNW,qlc@4/fp@0,0:devctl CONNECTED
/devices/pci@1f,4000/SUNW,qlc@4,1/fp@0,0:devctl CONNECTED

NOTE:  "CONNECTED" means the HBA has established a communications with some other node (Initiator or Target). 

"NOT CONNECTED" means the HBA has not established a communication with some other node or connecting to a switch that has no target (including not zoned to a target).

If 'luxadm -e port' shows  NOT CONNECTED  for the device path identified, choose the appropriate document to continue troubleshooting:

Troubleshooting Sun StorEdge[TM] 33x0/351x Configurations (Doc ID 1005313.1)
Troubleshooting Sun StorEdge[TM] T3 configuration (Doc ID 1012673.1)
Troubleshooting Sun Storage[TM] 2500 and 6000 RAID Array Disk Failures (Doc ID 1021055.1)

2. If 'luxadm -e port' shows "CONNECTED" then use the device path output and verify that the devices can be seen in "luxadm -e dump_map ."



# luxadm -e dump_map - /devices/pci@1f,4000/SUNW,qlc@4/fp@0,0:devctl

Pos Port_ID Hard_Addr Port WWN Node WWN Type
0 620000 0 210000e08b05b4c1 200000e08b05b4c1 0x1f (Unknown Type)
1 620100 0 50020f230000a81b 50020f200000a81b 0x0 (Disk device)
2 620300 0 210000e08b052b82 200000e08b052b82 0x1f (Unknown Type, Host Bus Adapter)


# luxadm -e dump_map /devices/pci@1f,4000/SUNW,qlc@4,1/fp@0,0:devctl
Pos AL_PA ID Hard_Addr Port WWN         Node WWN         Type
0 1 7d 0 210100e08b27eaa6 200100e08b27eaa6 0x1f (Unknown Type,Host Bus Adapter)
1 9f 2c 9f 256000c0ffc00f26 206000c0ff000f26 0x0 (Disk device)

Record "Port WWN" of the array in question.

"50020f2",indicates T3
256000c , indicates 3510
This WWN will be referenced in multiple steps.

NOTE: If Port_ID ends in "00" or  "13", this indicates switch attached

3. If the array is switch attached then verify that device is configured in the "cfgadm -lao show_FCP_dev" command.


# cfgadm -lao show_FCP_dev

c5 fc-fabric connected unconfigured unknown
c5::50020f200000a81b,0 disk connected unconfigured unknown
c5::50020f200000a81b,1 disk connected unconfigured unknown
c5::50020f200000a81c,0 disk connected configured unknown
c5::50020f200000a81c,1 disk connected configured unknown

Note:  Receptacle should be "connected".  Occupant should be "configured".

4. If Occupant is "unconfigured", then follow the  steps below:

"cfgadm -c configure "     <--Configure the device
"cfgadm -lao show_FCP_dev "<--verify the Occupant changed to configured
"devfsadm" <--- rebuilds the device tree


T3:     # cfgadm -c configure c5::50020f200000a81b
3510: # cfgadm -c configure c7::256000c0ffc00f26
# cfgadm -lao show_FCP_dev
# devfsadm

5 .  The steps above confirm that the HBA is visible to the OS and the devices can be seen from the HBA.  If there is still a problem, return to:

Troubleshooting Fibre Channel Devices from the OS (Doc ID 1009557.1

Internal Comments
This document contains normalized content and is managed by the the Domain Lead(s) of the respective domains. To notify content owners of a knowledge gap contained in this document, and/or prior to updating this document, please contact the domain engineers that are managing this document via the Document Feedback alias(es) listed below:

T3, T3+, 3510, luxadm, HBA, qlc, cfgadm, unconfigured, 3511, 351x, audited, normalized
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