Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1009716.1
Update Date:2011-03-07

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1009716.1 :   Sun StorEdge [TM] 33x0/351x: Steps to Verify Configuration Parameter Settings  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage 3511 SATA Array
  • Sun Storage 3310 Array
  • Sun Storage 3510 FC Array
  • Sun Storage 3320 SCSI Array
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Storage - Disk>Modular Disk - 3xxx Arrays


Steps to verify Sun StorEdge [TM] 33x0/351x Configuration Parameter Settings.

When experiencing any combination of the following symptoms:

  • Poor performance
  • Lost access to array
  • Scsi I/O timeouts
  • Random  global spare assignments
  • Cannot access array via ethernet (out of band)
  • Network protocols failing

The steps below will help verify that 351x/33x0 configuration parameter settings are correct.

Steps to Follow
Review the following steps to check the parameter settings for a 3310 SCSI array, a 3320 SCSI array, a 3510 FC array, or a 3511 SATA array.

NOTE:  This is a sub-set of  <Document: 1011431.1> "Troubleshooting Sun StorEdge[TM]  351x/33x0 Hardware."

Note: If you are using a 3.2x version  of the controller firmware, you will need to reference the appropriate Firmware User's
Guide for the section on Parameter Settings.

This document references  4.x parameter values. The default parameter settings can be found in
Chapter 11: Configuration Parameters in the 4.2x Firmware Users Guide.

Ensure that the array configuration settings are saved using the firmware "Save nvram to disks" menu option or the Sun StorEdge Configuration Service Console's save configuration utility before/after changes are made.

Note: Certain changes to parameter settings will require a controller reset.

1. Verify Communication Parameter setting are correct by reviewing the settings in the for: RS-232 Port Configuration,
TCP/IP, and Network Protocol Support in the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family RAID Firmware  User's Guide. 

Issue the sccli>show protocol command, sccli>show rs232, and sccli>show network-parameters commands to confirm.

-Ensure the baud rate is set to 38400
-If you assign an IP address to an array in order to manage it out-of-band, for security reasons consider
 keeping the IP address on a private network rather than a publicly routable network
-Do not use both in-band and out-of-band connections at the same time to manage the array.
 Otherwise conflicts between multiple operations might occur.

3510 example:

sccli> show protocol

 Identifier      Status    Port  Parameters
telnet          enabled   23    inactivity-timeout=disabled
http            enabled   80    n/a
https           disabled  n/a   n/a
ftp             enabled   21    n/a
ssh             enabled   22    n/a
priagent        enabled   58632 n/a
snmp            disabled  n/a   n/a
dhcp            enabled   68    n/a
ping            enabled   n/a   n/a

sccli> show rs232
COM1 speed: 38400bps

sccli> show network-parameters

mode: static

2. Verify drive parameter settings are correct  by
referring to the
Host-Side and Drive-Side Parameters Section of the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family RAID Firmware 
User's Guide and issuing the sccli>show disk-parameters command
and ensuring the following values:

-scsi-io-timeout is set to 30s
-auto-global-spare is set to disabled
-smart is set correctly for FC drives (default is detect-clone-replace)
-queue depth is set to 32 (for 3511 upgraded systems this may be set to 8)
-cylinders = <64k, sectors = variable, and heads = 64

To verify the cylinder, sector, head values you will need to log into the array and view this information in the:
Host-side Parameters > Host Cylinder/ Head/ Sector Mapping Parameters sections.

-If you are upgrading or have recently upgraded  to 4.x firmware, review Sunalert <Document: 1000626.1>
 for recommended SMART settings.

-The following drive-side parameters are referenced in the sccli differently than the documentation but are identical:

  SCCLI                                                   Documentation

polling-interval                     =       Periodic Drive Check Time
enclosure-polling-interval     =       Periodic SAF-TE and SES Check Time
auto-detect-swap-interval     =       Periodic Auto-Detect Failure Drive Swap Check Time

-The drive-side parameter 'polling-interval' is used to determine the interval at which the controller polls each drive to determine if
it is alive, regardless of whether or not there is any host I/O. This value must be enabled for SMART to be functional.
The default value is 30 seconds.

-In 4.x firmware, newly replaced drives are automatically re-scanned by the controller.
-For the  33x0 with 3.2x firmware,  newly replaced drives must be manually re-scanned to be recognized by the controller.

3510 Example:

sccli> show drive-parameters

spin-up: disabled
disk-access-delay: 15s
scsi-io-timeout: 30s
queue-depth: 32
polling-interval: 30s
enclosure-polling-interval: 30s
auto-detect-swap-interval: disabled
smart: detect-clone-replace
auto-global-spare: disabled

3.  Verify host parameter settings are correct  by referring to the Host-Side and Drive-Side Parameters Section of the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family RAID Firmware 4.x User's Guide and issuing the sccli>show host-parameters command, ensuring the following values:

-Fibre-connection-mode is set to 'Loop' for direct attached storage.
-If Fibre-connection-mode is set to P2P (point-to-point),  indicating SAN attached, ensure that only a PID or SID value is configured per channel. Issue the sccli> show channels command to verify (see example below).
-Ensure Fibre-connection-mode is not set to: "Loop preferred, otherwise point to point".

3510 Example with  Loop mode(either SAN or Direct Attach):

> sccli show host-param


3510 Example with point-to-point (SAN only):

sccli> show host-param
 max-luns-per-id: 32
 queue-depth: 1024
fibre-connection-mode: point-to-point

3510 example with only one PID on  channel 0 and one SID on channel 4:

sccli> show channels

Ch  Type    Media   Speed   Width  PID / SID


 0  Host    FC(L)   2G      Serial  40 / N/A
 1  Host    FC(L)   N/A     Serial  N/A / 42
 2  Drive   FC(L)   2G      Serial  14 / 15
 3  Drive   FC(L)   2G      Serial  14 / 15
 4  Host    FC(L)   2G      Serial  44 / N/A
 5  Host    FC(L)   N/A     Serial  N/A / 46
 6  Host    LAN     N/A     Serial  N/A / N/A

4. Verify cache settings are correct. Issue the sccli> show cache-parameters command. For a dual controller configuration, all parameters  
should be left at the default values. For a single controller array, write-back cache should be disabled, with all other settings left at the default
Refer to Table D-10 Caching Parameters in the Firmware Users Guide for default values.

3510 example:

sccli> show cache-parameters

 mode: write-back
 optimization: sequential
 sync-period: disabled
 current-global-write-policy: write-through

-For optimization this value should be set according to the type of I/O see: Cache Optimization Mode and Stripe Size Guidelines for further details.

5. Verify the peripheral device type is set to  'Enclosure Services Device' (the default
In the firmware user interface,View and Edit Configuration Parameters->

Host-side Parameters->Peripheral Device Type Parameters->Peripheral Device Type. Refer to Table D-11 Peripheral Device Type Parameters in the Firmware User's Guide.

Verify the auto-write-through trigger values are set correctly. Issue the sccli> show auto-write-through
 trigger command

3510 example:

  sccli> show auto-write-through-trigger

 controller-failure: enabled
 battery-backup-failure: enabled
 ups-ac-power-loss: disabled
 power-supply-failure: enabled
 fan-failure: enabled
 temperature-exceeded-delay: 30min

7. If performing a firmware upgrade from 3.2x to 4.1x, certain parameter  settings
 will not be automatically restored, and they will need to be manually recorded
and restored after the upgrade is complete including:

     * Network settings - IP address, net mask, and gateway settings

     * Host LUN filter settings - type, access mode, and name

     * Sector/head/cylinder settings

    * Channel data rate - If the channel data rate was set to 1 GHz
 or 2 GHz, after the script is run, the channel speed is set to
 auto (auto-negotiation). Since a FC channel communicates at a
 rate of either 1 GHz or 2 GHz, the Auto setting uses the best
 rate for communications at the time.

    * Non-default RCCOM settings - RCCOM channel settings are recovered
    for Channels 2 and 3 only.  RCCOM settings for other channels are not recovered.

    * Customized settings, such as " Peripheral Device Type Parameters ."

8. Verify the unique identifier is set correctly. If the " Controller Unique Identifier "

parameter has the wrong value, network connections will not work correctly
and the WorldWide Name will be incorrect which will cause problems accessing the
array. Issue the sccli> show unique-identifier to ensure this setting is correct.

Note: This problem is usually experienced after controller or chassis replacement:

In a dual controller array, the replacement controller will copy the primary controller Unique Identifier.

In a single controller array, the replacement controller will have the same value it had previous to being replaced.

For details refer to the appropriate Controller Module Replacement Guide:

-For 351x array: 819-2180  step 13
-For 33x0 array: 819-3847 step 5.

-When replacing a controller or chassis(midplane) follow the Replacement guideline
steps carefully. Record the unique identifier value before attempting replacement.

-When replacing a controller if the value is not set to the recorded  value, the
 unique identifier will need to be set to 0 (to automatically read the chassis serial number from the midplane).

-When replacing a chassis/midplane, the unique identifier will need to be set to
 the hex value for the original serial number of the chassis.

-A nonzero value should be specified only if the chassis has been replaced, but

the original chassis serial number must be retained.

9. Verify the media scan value is set correctly. By default in 4.15 and later firmware, this value is set to disabled
 and will persist across resets. It is recommended to enable Media Scan frequently (at least once
 every thirty days) on  logical drives. Refer to
Scanning Drives for Bad Blocks in the Firmware User's Guide
 for details on enabling this feature.

10. If problems persist, refer back to <Document: 1005313.1> Troubleshooting  StorEdge[TM]  33x0/351x  Configurations".

Internal Comments
This document contains normalized content and is managed by the the Domain Lead(s) of the respective domains. To notify content owners of a knowledge gap contained in this document, and/or prior to updating this document, please contact the domain engineers that are managing this document via the “Document Feedback” alias(es) listed below:

For information about Media Scan:

For additional information about SMART:

For additional information about the Controller Unique ID:

3510, 3511, 3310, 3320, 351x, 33x0, Fibre, SCSI Parameters, Defaults, cache, SES, port, loop, P2P, point-to-point, RS232, IP, telnet, write-back, peripheral, baud, normalized
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