Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1010111.1
Update Date:2011-05-17

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1010111.1 :   Resetting NVRAM on a Sun system  

Related Items
  • Sun Blade 2000 Workstation
  • Sun Fire V480 Server
  • Sun Fire 280R Server
  • Sun Fire V890 Server
  • Sun Fire V880 Server
  • Solaris SPARC Operating System
  • Sun Blade 1000 Workstation
  • Sun Fire V490 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Desktops>Workstations
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>Entry-Level Servers
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Operating Systems>Solaris Operating System


Applies to:

Sun Blade 1000 Workstation
Sun Blade 2000 Workstation
Sun Fire V480 Server
Sun Fire V490 Server
Sun Fire V880 Server
All Platforms
***Checked for relevance on 17-May-2011***



This document explains how to reset the NVRAM back to its default settings on a Sun system.


NOTE: Before executing the following, it is important and highly recommended to note (print out) the current NVRAM settings before changing these options back to their default settings.

There are two ways of resetting the NVRAM:

1) At the OK prompt:

ok  set-defaults                        resets most parameters
ok set-default 'parameter' resets that one parameter

for example: ok set-default auto-boot?

2) At boot time:

This is helpful when an improperly created device alias for a monitor has been created and no display is going to the screen.

The most common method is to issue L1+n from the keyboard (WYSE) while powering on the system. Hold down this key combination until you see video with a message stating that the NVRAM parameters have been set to their default values.

On some Sun keyboards, the "L1" key is replaced with a "STOP" key. Therefore, issue the key sequence STOP+n simultaneously from the keyboard while powering on the system. Hold down this key combination until you see video with a message stating that the NVRAM parameters have been set to their default values.

Newer systems (Sun Blade[TM] workstations and some Sun Fire[TM] hardware) are using USB Keyboards and Mice.

Unlike the older 8 pin mini-din keyboards, these systems do not have a "STOP+N" key sequence to reset the OBP/NVRAM parameters.

Instead, a "safe NVRAM" boot mode is available. Remember that unlike a STOP+N which restores ALL factory NVRAM parameters, the "safe NVRAM" boot only alters a few parameters and only for that one boot cycle. The described work around allows booting any USB keyboard type system, including RSC equipped servers, to the OK prompt and communicating with these systems via the serial ttya console.

Note: For security reasons this procedure does not reset the settings for security-mode and security-password. The information from this Infodoc cannot be used to recover from a lost OBP password. Please contact Sun Service to get a replacement NVRAM in such circumstances.

==================== Procedure ====================

1. Press the power button to power up the system.

2. Once the maintenance LED starts to flash rapidly, immediately press the Power button twice (similar to double-clicking a mouse, but leave a short gap of around 1 second between presses, to have the action reliably registered.) The actual time when you do the double press of the power button is the point in POST when the maintenance LED (wrench light) rapidly flashes.


If you double press too late or too soon, the system will power off. Do not get confused with the earlier occurrences of the maintenance and OK to remove LEDs flashing together. This is a part of the system test to make sure the LEDs are functional.

If you're running POST even in MIN level, it will be several minutes depending upon your configuration, before the maintenance LED flashes rapidly.

A screen similar to the following is displayed to indicate that you have successfully reset the OpenBoot NVRAM configuration variables to their default values:

Sun Fire xxx (8 X UltraSPARC-III), Keyboard Present
OpenBoot x.x, 256 MB memory installed, Serial #xxxxxxxx.
Ethernet address xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx, Host ID: xxxxxxxx.
Safe NVRAM mode, the following nvram configuration variables have been
diag-switch? is true
use-nvramrc? is false
input-device , output-device are defaulted
ttya-mode , ttyb-mode are defaulted

These changes are temporary and the original values will be restored after the next hardware or software reset. Once you are at the OK prompt, it is at this point you make your changes to the OBP parameters, or use set-defaults to reset all parameters to factory default settings.

On the Netra[TM] 20 server, the defaults cannot be set by hitting the power button twice. The power button does not function in the same way as it does on the Sun Fire or Sun Blade. The LOM command bootmode will need to be used as shown below:

lom> poweroff
lom> bootmode reset_nvram
lom> poweron

This will reset the nvram to default values.

If the RSC card is your console device, resetting the NVRAM will take the console away from the RSC and put it back to the default (example, input-device ttya). So the system will need a console device attached to TTYA.

Internal Comments
For Internal Sun Use Only

This InfoDoc combined Technical Instruction Resetting NVRAM on a Sun system.

resetting, nvram, netra 20, sun fire, sun blade, sun, systems
Previously Published As

Change History
emailed Bruce Burchstead concerning Product Statement and missing Keyword Statement

My name is Kinsey Mayberry with the IBIS Knowledge Content Management
Team.  I am working on this article I show you Tech Reviewed.  As you
may or may not know Andreas Bechtolsheim is not the original Author.  I
am wondering if you can help fix the issues with this article.  In the
Product Statement only Solaris is listed,  Solaris is too broad I would
like to see if you can specify the products.  Also this article needs a
keyword Statement for search ability.

I will place this document into the general "Software" technical review
queue where you can pick it up

to do the needed updates.  If you are able to help or point me to
someone else that may be able to help I would greatly appreciate it.

If you continue to have questions, we will be happy to assist however we
can.  You can email with questions or you can go to to locate a KE

in your timezone who can assist via phone.

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