Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1010691.1
Update Date:2010-05-27

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1010691.1 :   Sun Fire [TM] v20z/v40z: Using remote commands to enable Serial Over Lan Console access to the Linux OE  

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  • Sun Fire V20z Compute Grid Rack System
  • Sun Fire V20z Server
  • Sun Fire V40z Server
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  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>x64 Servers


Serial over LAN requires a properly configured LAN connection and a system from which an ssh session can be established. On the Sun Fire[TM] v20z and Sun Fire[TM] v40z, SOL is initiated through a properly configured and network-accessible Service Processor (SP) on these systems.

The Serial Over LAN (SOL) feature allows servers transparently redirect the serial character stream from the baseboard Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) to and from the remote-client system over LAN. Serial over LAN has the following benefits compared to a serial interface:

  • Eliminates the need for a serial concentrator.
  • Reduces the amount of cabling.
  • Allows remote management of servers without video, mouse or keyboard (headless servers).

Steps to Follow
To gain console access to the Linux OS through the SP via SOL, the following must be done:
  1. Enable console redirection in the BIOS:
    1. Boot or reboot the server.
    2. When prompted, press F2 to enter BIOS setup.
    3. Select the Advanced menu from the category selections along the top.
    4. Select Console Redirection.

  2. Modify some settings in the OS:
    1. Edit the /etc/grub.conf (to allow the OS messages to pass thruconsole):
      1. Comment out the 'splashimage'
      2. Add 'serial -unit=1 --speed=9600'
      3. Add 'terminal --timeout=1 console serial'
      4. Append to the kernel line, 'console=tty0 console=ttyS0,9600n8'
      See <Document: 1010463.1> for additional explanation
    2. Edit the inittab (to allow console login):
      1. Add 'co:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -t 60 ttyS0 9600 vt100' to the end of the second-to-last section of the config
      See <Document: 1017815.1> for additional explanation
    3. Make sure that the /etc/securetty file contains ttyS0

  3. Reboot the platform OS, so that these changes will take affect.

  4. Disable SOL, regardless of whether it is enabled or not:
    # ssh -l spuser spipaddr platform set console -s platform

  5. Enable SOL:
    # ssh -l spuser spipaddr platform set console -s sp -e -S 9600

  6. Launch an SOL session from a remote system:
    # ssh SPipaddr -l spuser platform console
For additional information, see Chapter 4 of the Sun Fire V20z and Sun Fire V40z Servers--Server Management Guide (817-5249)

Internal Comments
serial over LAN, SOL, SP, service processor, linux, Red Hat, SuSE, console, inittab, terminal, BIOS, console redirection
Previously Published As
Change History
Date: 2010-05-28
User Name:
Action: Approved
Comment: Check for currency, fix formatting

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