Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1011302.1
Update Date:2010-01-20

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1011302.1 :   Verify DMP Health  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage 3510 FC Array
  • Sun Storage T3 Array
  • Sun Storage T3+ Array
  • Sun Storage 3310 Array
  • Sun Storage 3511 SATA Array
  • Sun Storage 3320 SCSI Array
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Storage - Disk>Modular Disk - 3xxx Arrays
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Storage - Disk>Modular Disk - Other


In order to provide you the most accurate fix, please validate that each statement under the symptoms below is true for your environment.

These symptoms will hyperlink you into a relevant content that will 1) tell you how to validate the listed symptom and 2) how to fix the symptom if it is true for your environment.  The listed symptoms are ordered in the most appropriate sequence to isolate the issue and be certain about the related fix. Please do not skip a step.


- Path offline

- Path doesn't failover

- Can't see device path

Environmental Considerations:

- The document assumes that VxDMP is being used.

- Part of the document assumes that the Sun StorEdge[TM] T3/T3+ Array

 is configured as a partner pair.

- Where noted, examples are given for the StorEdge[TM] 33x0/351x aka Minnow product, which is an active-active array.

Steps to Follow
NOTE: This is a sub-set:

Refer to  <Document: 1009557.1>  Troubleshooting Sun StorEdge[TM] Fibre from the OS   or <Document: 1008191.1> Troubleshooting Sun Storage SCSI arrays from the OS . The steps below will help confirm that VxDMP is being used and both paths are seen.

NOTE: If STMS is being used, then only a single path will be seen in format and VxVM.  To verify whether STMS is being used, refer to <Document: 1002465.1> Verifying STMS (mpxio) Health. . This holds true for 33x0/351x as well as T3/T3+.

Troubleshooting Steps:

1.  Verify Veritas Volume Manager detects multiple paths to the device with  vxdisk list  and  vxdisk list <DEVICE>  commands.


     # vxdisk list
DEVICE       TYPE            DISK         GROUP        STATUS

        auto:cdsdisk    rootdg01     rootdg       online
T30_1        auto:cdsdisk    rootdg02     rootdg       online
c0t0d0s2     auto:none       -            -            online invalid
# vxdisk list T30_0
Device:    T30_0
devicetag: T30_0
type:      auto
hostid:    ralph
disk:      name=rootdg01 id=1154984734.10.ralph
group:     name=rootdg id=1154984742.14.ralph
info:      format=cdsdisk,privoffset=256,pubslice=2,privslice=2
flags:     online ready private autoconfig autoimport imported
pubpaths:  block=/dev/vx/dmp/T30_0s2 char=/dev/vx/rdmp/T30_0s2
version:   3.1
iosize:    min=512 (bytes) max=2048 (blocks)
public:    slice=2 offset=2304 len=104860416 disk_offset=0
private:   slice=2 offset=256 len=2048 disk_offset=0
update:    time=1154985043 seqno=0.7
ssb:       actual_seqno=0.0
headers:   0 240
configs:   count=1 len=1280
logs:      count=1 len=192
Defined regions:
config   priv 000048-000239[000192]: copy=01 offset=000000 enabled
config   priv 000256-001343[001088]: copy=01 offset=000192 enabled
log      priv 001344-001535[000192]: copy=01 offset=000000 enabled
lockrgn  priv 001536-001679[000144]: part=00 offset=000000

    Multipathing information:
numpaths:   2

    c1t2d0s2        state=enabled   type=secondary
    c2t1d0s2        state=enabled   type=primary
Minnow Example:

vxdisk list c2t44d0s2

Device:    c2t44d0s2
devicetag: c2t44d0
type:      auto
disk:      name=106501
group:     name=1065
info:      format=cdsdisk,privoffset=256,pubslice=2,privslice=2
flags:     online ready private autoconfig autoimport imported
pubpaths:  block=/dev/vx/dmp/c2t44d0s2 char=/dev/vx/rdmp/c2t44d0s2
version:   3.1
iosize:    min=512 (bytes) max=2048 (blocks)
public:    slice=2 offset=2304 len=141190176 disk_offset=0
private:   slice=2 offset=256 len=2048 disk_offset=0
update:    time=1163714570 seqno=0.6
ssb:       actual_seqno=0.0
headers:   0 240
configs:   count=1 len=1280
logs:      count=1 len=192
Defined regions:
config   priv 000048-000239[000192]: copy=01 offset=000000 enabled
config   priv 000256-001343[001088]: copy=01 offset=000192 enabled
log      priv 001344-001535[000192]: copy=01 offset=000000 enabled
lockrgn  priv 001536-001679[000144]: part=00 offset=000000
Multipathing information:
numpaths:   2
c2t44d0s2       state=enabled
c3t40d0s2       state=enabled

A minnow with enclosure based naming and mpxio will look like this:
vxdisk list Bottom-3510_9

     Device:    Bottom-3510_9
devicetag: Bottom-3510_9
type:      sliced
hostid:    {hostname}
disk:      name= id=1069863671.1825.testsys
group:     name=ib2dg id=1069863730.1834.testsys
info:      privoffset=1
flags:     online ready private autoconfig autoimport
pubpaths:  block=/dev/vx/dmp/Bottom-3510_9s4
privpaths: block=/dev/vx/dmp/Bottom-3510_9s3
     version:   2.2
iosize:    min=512 (bytes) max=2048 (blocks)
public:    slice=4 offset=0 len=41860800
private:   slice=3 offset=1 len=32383
update:    time=1073385535 seqno=0.19
headers:   0 248
configs:   count=1 len=23884
logs:      count=1 len=3618
Defined regions:
config   priv 000017-000247[000231]: copy=01 offset=000000 enabled
config   priv 000249-023901[023653]: copy=01 offset=000231 enabled
log      priv 023902-027519[003618]: copy=01 offset=000000 enabled
Multipathing information:
numpaths:   1
c8t600C0FF000000000001504755999EF09d0s2 state=enabled

Notice the single mpxio device name (path), you need to check the individual path status using luxadm as per <Document: 1002465.1> 

: "

Verifying STMS (mpxio) Health"

for stms noted above.

The lines after numpaths show the logical devices, the state of each logical device to Volume Manager, and the preferred pathing type.

NOTE: If the T3/T3+ step above show a primary and secondary path that are enabled then VxDMP is being used and both paths are available for failover.  If this is not true then continue to step 2.

2.  Verify that the controller connected to your array is not part of the DMP exclude list by using the  vxdmpadm listexclude  command.  If the path is part of the exclude list, then DMP will only see a single path. To remove a device path from the DMP exclude list use  vxdiskadm ; option 18.


     # vxdmpadm listexclude
Devices excluded from VxVM:
Paths : None
Controllers : None
VID:PID : None
Devices excluded from multipathing by vxdmp:
Paths : None
VID:PID : None
Pathgroups : None

3. Log into the T3 array.  If you are unable to connect to the T3 refer to <Document: 1012660.1> Can't Connect to Sun StorEdge[TM] Array via Ethernet. 

4.  Verify the correct T3 is being accessed by comparing the output of   port list   with the WWN recorded ( luxadm -e dumpmap <device> ) in step 2 of <Document: 1009556.1> How to verify HBA Connectivity. 

5.  Verify that mp_support is set to 'rw' by using the  sys list  command.


     storage-t3b:/etc:<30>sys list
controller         : 2.0
blocksize          : 64k
cache              : auto
mirror             : auto
mp_support         : rw
naca               : off
rd_ahead           : off
recon_rate         : med
sys memsize        : 128 Mbytes
cache memsize      : 1024 Mbytes
enable_volslice    : on
fc_topology        : auto
fc_speed           : 1Gb
disk_scrubber      : on
ondg               : befit

NOTE:  mp_support should be set to 'mpxio' for use with STMS, 'rw' for use with VxDMP, 'none' for no multipathing, or std, which should not be used.

The minnow is an active-active array, it does not have a specific mpxio or dmp  rw  setting like the active-passive t3.

6.  If mp_support is not set to 'rw' and DMP is the desired failover software then follow the below steps, otherwise proceed to step 7. This step does not apply to Minnow.

     a.  Set mp_support to 'rw' by using the command  sys mp_support rw 


    storage-t3b:/etc:<38>sys mp_support rw

    b.  Run  devfsadm  on the host to rebuild the device tree

    c.  Run  vxdctl enable  to rediscover new or missing device paths.

  1. Repeat step 1 and verify both device paths are seen correctly.

7. Verify ASL libraries for Veritas are installed as per <Document: 1004741.1> Sun StorEdge[TM] 3310/3320/3510/3511 and VxVM - How to Setup VxVM DMP to Work on These Arrays

   <Document: 1004741.1>

8.  If a path shows disabled/missing in  vxdisk list <DEVICE>  then go to step 4 in one of these documents depending on array type:

<Document: 1009557.1>  Troubleshooting Sun Storage FC arrays from the OS .

<Document: 1008191.1> Troubleshooting Sun Storage SCSI arrays from the OS 

Sun StorageTek T3 Array
Sun StorageTek T3+ Array
Sun StorageTek 3511 SATA Array JBOD
Sun StorageTek 3511 SATA Array
Sun StorageTek 3510 FC Array JBOD
Sun StorageTek 3510 FC Array
Sun StorageTek 3510 2U FC Array
Sun StorageTek 3320 SCSI Array
Sun StorageTek 3310 SCSI Array

Internal Comments
This document contains normalized content and is managed by the the Domain Lead(s) of the respective domains. To notify content owners of a knowledge gap contained in this document, and/or prior to updating this document, please contact the domain engineers that are managing this document via the “Document Feedback” alias(es) listed below:

Place Sun Internal-Use Only content here. This content will be
published to internal SunSolve only.

The Knowledge Work Queue for this article is KNO-STO-VOLUME_DISK.

T3, T3+, minnow, 3510, 3310, se3510, se3310, normalized, DMP, VxVM, multipathing, Audited
Previously Published As

Change History
Date: 2007-07-03
User Name: 7058
Action: Approved
Comment: Going ahead with publish of this doc although it references 86488 which has some broken links. Hopefully that doc will publish tomorrow.
Cleaned up some formatting problems.
OK to publish.
Notes for Normalizaton:
Subset of: 86520
Subset Root path:
References: 86488*, 70736, 86541, 86544, 89050
Project: Minnow Normalization
Version: 8

This solution has no attachment
  Copyright © 2011 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.