Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1011363.1
Update Date:2009-04-26

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1011363.1 :   Sun StorageTek[TM] 5000 Series NAS: NDMP Backup Fails After Upgrade to 4.21  

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Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Storage - Disk>Network Attached Storage


With the 4.21 and later releases, the default version of NDMP is V4.
The NDMP client is a data management application (DMA) and its configuration must be changed to continue to work with systems running this release.

Steps to Follow
Apply these three configuration changes to the backup server:

  1. Change the DMA (backup application) to use NDMP V4 so that it can be a client of systems that use either V4 and V3. If the DMA is using V3, it will not be able to be a client to a system running NAS OS 4.21, which uses NDMP V4. If the DMA uses NDMP V4, it can be a client to NAS OS 4.21 system and other systems running NDMP V3.
  2. Change the name of the administrator account. The administrator account is now "admin" instead of the "administrator' used in version 4.20 and previous versions.
  3. Change the drive paths. The format of the drive paths and the paths themselves have changed.(6517142) To obtain the proper drive paths, run the following command from the command line:
 ndmp devices

For example, the format of the drive path for robot and jukeboxes has changed from isp1m001 to the following:


where X is (target ID * 64) + LUN

The format for the drive path for a tape drive has changed from isp1t001 to the following:


where X is (target ID * 64) + LUN

The above numbering scheme is correct only for OS version 4.21M1. It will likely change again with 4.21M2, but the methodology using ndmp devices remains the same. Is is strongly recommended that OS version 4.21M0 not be used in environments with NDMP backup, as there is a known performance issue.

Sun StorageTek 5320 NAS Gateway/Cluster System
Sun StorageTek 5320 NAS Appliance
Sun StorageTek 5320
Sun StorageTek 5310 NAS Appliance
Sun StorageTek 5310 NAS Gateway/Cluster System
Sun StorageTek 5310 NAS Gateway System
Sun StorageTek 5220 NAS Appliance
Sun StorageTek 5210 NAS Appliance

Internal Comments
This document contains normalized content and is managed by the the Domain Lead(s) of the respective domains. To notify content owners of a knowledge gap contained in this document, and/or prior to updating this document, please contact the domain engineers that are managing this document via the “Document Feedback” alias(es) listed below:

The Knowledge Work Queue for this article is KNO-STO-NAS.

NAS, normalized, backup, NDMP, Audited
Previously Published As

Change History
Date: 2007-09-21
User Name: 95826
Action: Approved
Comment: - verified metadata
- review date ok : 2008-09-20
- checked for TM - 1 added
- checked audience : contract
Version: 3
Date: 2007-09-21
User Name: 95826
Action: Accept
Version: 0

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