Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1011588.1
Update Date:2011-02-04

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1011588.1 :   How to verify console response on Sun Fire[TM] X2100 M2/X2200 M2 Servers  

Related Items
  • Sun Fire X2200 M2 Server
  • Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>x64 Servers


This document describes how to check if the system is responding to the Console via ELOM web GUI, Service Processor CLI and if you are local to the server.

Steps to Follow
This document describes how to connect to the system. Please choose which method is already configured on your system and is most convenient for you.

When the platform OS is up and running, your console can be one of the following:

  • a locally attached monitor
  • a Java[TM] Remote Console on the ELOM GUI,
  • a text based session on the serial console redirection in the ELOM Service Processor Command Line (CLI).

Please note BIOS menu or system boot message before platform OS up will appear on all these console.

When accessing a system console, please type any key and check if the console is responding to see if the console is working or not.

Please note that there might be a process blocking the console; press CTRL+C to break this process to see if there still response from the console.

If there is no console response to the key presses then the system may be hung. Refer to one of the following documents to troubleshoot further:

  •  <Document: 1008401.1>  Troubleshooting Solaris[TM] x86 hangs
  •  <Document: 1007053.1>  Troubleshooting Linux Hangs
  •  <Document: 1017776.1>  Troubleshooting Windows Server hangs

1. Physically Console via locally attached Graphics Monitor

This is the easiest connection to check, assuming you have a monitor attached to the video connector on the back on the system and a USB keyboard.

2. Getting Console via ELOM GUI

If configured, you may use the ELOM GUI interface to control your server remotely using the built in Java KVM. You can use this even when the system is running in graphical mode, for example, X Windows.

  • Open ELOM Service Processor GUI; to access enter https://<ELOM IP address> in a supported browser.
  • Depending of the ELOM version installed on your system, there are different ways to get the Java Remote Console:
    • Select tab "Remote Control" and than "Redirection". To get the Remote Console for this system please click the button "Launch Redirection"
      - or -
    • Click the "Launch" button right next to the small thumbnail of the monitor screenshot.

Refer to Embedded Lights Out Manager (ELOM) Administration Guide For ELOM for you platform and ELOM version. Also see ELOM Administration Guide Supplement for Sun Fire[TM] if available for your platform at:

3. Getting console via ELOM Service Processor Command Line (CLI)

You can connect to a serial console redirection on ELOM. Please note that the serial console needs to be supported by your Operating System and needs to be Configured and enabled before.

  • Log in to the Service Processor using the SSH command. NOTE: You will need the IP address of the Service Processor to do this:
        ssh -l <USERNAME> <IP_ADDRESS>
Passwd: changeme (default passwd)
-> start /SP/AgentInfo/console
console activate sucessfull
press ESC ( to terminate session...

Refer to Embedded Lights Out Manager (ELOM) Administration Guide For ELOM for you platform and ELOM version. Also see ELOM Administration Guide Supplement for Sun Fire if available for your platform at:

Sun Fire X2200 M2 Server
Sun Fire X2100 M2 Server

Internal Comments
Audited/updated 11/30/09 - James.Carter@Sun.COM, x64 Content Team Member

For information on how to set up on Red Hat Linux,
SuSE/Novell Linux, and Solaris OS please refer to Technical Instruction
<Document: 1019396.1>
: "Sun Fire X2100 M2/X2200 M2 Server: Configuring OS console redirection".

This document contains normalized content and is managed by the the Domain Lead(s) of the respective domains. To notify content owners of a knowledge gap contained in this document, and/or prior to updating this document, please contact the domain engineers that are managing this document via the "Document Feedback" alias(es) listed below:

Normalization team alias:

x64, normalized, X2100M2, X2200M2, console, hang
Previously Published As

Change History
Date: 2007-12-20
User Name: 31620
Action: Approved
Comment: Published using interim normalization rules supplied by the Normalization Program Team: (circa mid-December 2007)
o Content visibility is appropriate
o External links are in the proper format
o Internal links cannot be verified until all dependent articles
have been published (91510, 91513, and 91512)
o Normalized keyword present
o No in-line images
o Consistent use of language and grammar
o Solution type consistent with WTS at:
o Product metadata seems appropriate
o Summary and Symptoms sections present - only summary
o Resolution Path, Steps to follow seem logical and numbered
where appropriate
o Added Brian Jackson as the Domain Lead
o Links only checked to one level down and are in the correct
format (destination resources could not be verified until
dependent articles are published

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