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Asset ID: 1-71-1012313.1
Update Date:2009-04-19

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1012313.1 :   Identifying Disk Drive IDs on a Sun StorEdge[TM] 33x0 SCSI Raid Array with attached JBODs  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage 3310 Array
  • Sun Storage 3320 SCSI Array
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Storage - Disk>Modular Disk - 3xxx Arrays


This article addresses how to identify Disk Drive IDs (CH:# ID:#) in a single-bus or split-bus (dual-bus) configuration in a StorEdge[TM] 3310 or 3320 SCSI Array. Identifying cabling schemes are also identified with connecting the JBODs (Just a Bunch of Disks).

Steps to Follow
This document illustrates how you identify and or correct Disk Drive IDs on a Sun StorEdge[TM] 33x0 SCSI Raid Array with attached JBODs

Disk Drive IDs on a 33x0 with a RAID controller (single-bus configuration):

 CH0-ID0		CH0-ID3		CH0-ID8		CH0-ID11
CH0-ID1		CH0-ID4		CH0-ID9		CH0-ID12
CH0-ID2		CH0-ID5		CH0-ID10	CH0-ID13

Disk Drive IDs on a 33x0 with a SCSI RAID controller (dual-bus configuration):

 CH2-ID0		CH2-ID3		CH0-ID0		CH0-ID3
CH2-ID1		CH2-ID4		CH0-ID1		CH0-ID4
CH2-ID2		CH2-ID5		CH0-ID2		CH0-ID5

See <Document: 1003147.1> for single-bus/dual-bus configurations

NOTE: ID 6 & ID7 are reserved for internal channels. Each drive channel can
have up to 16 IDs (0-15). The terms 'Dual-bus' and 'split-bus' are interchangeable.

Disk Drive IDs on JBOD connected to 33x0 RAID Array within a Single-bus

The following cabling Scheme is needed:
A)Jumper cable on RAID array from SB-port (SINGL BUS CONF) to CH:0,
B)Jumper cable on JBOD from Upper-Right Port to Lower-Left Port,
C)Jumper cable from RAID array's CH:2 port to JBOD's Lower-Right Port

 CH2-ID0		CH2-ID3		CH2-ID8		CH2-ID11
CH2-ID1		CH2-ID4		CH2-ID9		CH2-ID12
CH2-ID2		CH2-ID5		CH2-ID10	CH2-ID13

To attach a second JBOD to a 33x0 SCSI array within a Single-bus
configuration, Host Channel ports 1 or 3 need to be configured
as a drive channel and then attached to the 2nd JBOD. Use the
following cabling scheme with Host Channel port 3 configured as
a drive channel:

A)Jumper cable on RAID array from SB-port (SINGL BUS CONF) to CH:0
B)Jumper cable on 1st JBOD from Upper-Right Port to Lower-Left Port
C)Jumper cable from RAID array's CH:2 port to JBOD's Lower-Right Port
D)Jumper cable on 1st JBOD from Upper-Right Port to Lower-Left Port
E)Jumper cable from RAID array's CH:3 port to JBOD's Lower-Right Port
NOTE:Host Channel port 1 is connected to a server

The following Disk IDs are seen...

33x0 SCSI array's disk IDs (w/ controller):

 CH0-ID0		 CH0-ID3   	CH0-ID8   	CH0-ID11
CH0-ID1	  	 CH0-ID4   	CH0-ID9  	CH0-ID12
CH0-ID2	  	 CH0-ID5   	CH0-ID10  	CH0-ID13

1st JBOD's disk IDs:

 CH2-ID0		CH2-ID3		CH2-ID8		CH2-ID11
CH2-ID1		CH2-ID4		CH2-ID9		CH2-ID12
CH2-ID2		CH2-ID5		CH2-ID10	CH2-ID13

2nd JBOD's disk IDs:

 CH3-ID0		CH3-ID3		CH3-ID8		CH3-ID11
CH3-ID1		CH3-ID4		CH3-ID9		CH3-ID12
CH3-ID2		CH3-ID5		CH3-ID10	CH3-ID13

Disk Drive SCSI IDs on JBOD connected to 33x0 RAID Array within a Dual-bus

The following cabling Scheme is needed:
A)Jumper cable on RAID array from DB-port to CH:2
B)No jumper cable is required to configure a single JBOD unit for dual-bus use
C)Jumper cable from RAID array's SB-port to JBOD's Lower-Right port
D)Jumper cable from RAID array's CH:0 to JBOD's Lower-Left port.

33x0 SCSI array's disk IDs:

 CH2-ID0		CH2-ID3		CH0-ID0		CH0-ID3
CH2-ID1		CH2-ID4		CH0-ID1		CH0-ID4
CH2-ID2		CH2-ID5		CH0-ID2		CH0-ID5


 CH2-ID8		CH2-ID11	CH0-ID8		CH0-ID11
CH2-ID9		CH2-ID12	CH0-ID9		CH0-ID12
CH2-ID10               CH2-ID13	CH0-ID10	CH0-ID13

With this configuration you can connect up to 2 hosts to CH:1 & CH:3 which are
assigned as host channels by default.

To attach a second JBOD to a 33x0 SCSI array within a Dual-bus configuration, Host Channel 3 must be reassigned as a drive channel and connected to the second JBOD.

A)Jumper cable on RAID array from DB-port to CH:2
B)No jumper cable is required between the 1st JBOD's ports
C)Jumper cable from RAID array's CH:0 port to 1st JBOD's Lower-Left port
D)Jumper cable from RAID array's SB-port (SINGL BUS CONF) to 1st JBOD's
Lower-Right port
E)Jumper cable from second JBOD's Lower-Left port to second JBOD's Upper-Right port
F)Jumper cable from RAID array's CH:3 to second JBOD's Lower-Right port

With the above configuration, the 33x0 SCSI array and 1st JBOD use a Dual-Bus
configuration. The second JBOD uses a Single-bus configuration.

33x0 SCSI array's disk IDs:

 CH2-ID0		CH2-ID3		CH0-ID0		CH0-ID3
CH2-ID1		CH2-ID4		CH0-ID1		CH0-ID4
CH2-ID2		CH2-ID5		CH0-ID2		CH0-ID5

1st JBOD's Disk IDs:

 CH2-ID8		CH2-ID11	CH0-ID8		CH0-ID11
CH2-ID9		CH2-ID12	CH0-ID9		CH0-ID12
CH2-ID10	        CH2-ID13	CH0-ID10	CH0-ID13

2nd JBOD's Disk IDs:

 CH3-ID0		CH3-ID3		CH3-ID8		CH3-ID11
CH3-ID1		CH3-ID4		CH3-ID9		CH3-ID12
CH3-ID2		CH3-ID5		CH3-ID10	CH3-ID13

Sun StorageTek 3310 SCSI Array
Sun StorageTek 3320 SCSI Array

Internal Comments
This document contains normalized content and is managed by the the Domain Lead
(s) of the respective domains. To notify content owners of a knowledge gap
contained in this document, and/or prior to updating this document, please
contact the domain engineers that are managing this document via the “Document
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The Knowledge Work Queue for this article is KNO-STO-VOLUME_DISK.

3310 disk drive IDs, JBOD, JBODs, 3310, 3320, single-bus, split-bus, dual-bus, Minnow, CH: ID:, Normalized, Audited
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Date: 2007-06-28
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