Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1013078.1
Update Date:2009-04-21

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1013078.1 :   Sun StorageTek[TM] 5310/5210/5320/5220: Validation process for checking the presence of all the LUNs  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage 5210 NAS Appliance
  • Sun Storage 5220 NAS Appliance
  • Sun Storage 5310 NAS Appliance
  • Sun Storage 5320 NAS Gateway/Cluster System
  • Sun Storage 5320 NAS Appliance
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Storage - Disk>Network Attached Storage


This document explains the approach to be taken to determine the action that needs to be taken when the NAS is unable to see the expected LUNs.

Steps to Follow
After bootup, check to see if all the LUNs are present.
Refer to document <Document: 1008205.1> - Verifying LUN Status on NAS

In case the NAS is unable to see some of the created LUNs, check the log. If some LUNs are understood to be missing, then check the logs.

If the NAS is unable to access any LUNs, then typically the following messages will be seen during bootup. This is not the complete list but it is sufficient to give an idea.

Typically the messages are as follows:

"primary and secondary labels are damaged" for the specific volumes. 
dpmgr_init_parttab: Dasd_id 0x700 Unowned LUN
dpmgr_load_partition_table: dasdID=0xB00 has no valid partition.


In the telnet "D. Disk & volume" menu option, the LUN status is "Invalid/missing partition table".

The above means that the NAS is aware of the LUNS created and has attempted to read the LUN stamps. Additionally all the LUNs created by the system should have a valid partition table. If it is unable to do so, the messages will indicate the absence of a partition table as shown above.


09/06/06 16:40:19 I raidfal: private network failing
09/06/06 16:40:19 I raidfal: checking standby ips
09/06/06 16:40:19 I raidfal: no alternate heartbeat.
09/06/06 16:40:19 I partner_no_heartbeat: STOP HEARTBEAT
09/06/06 16:40:19 I raidfal: calling failover
.scsi_xaction: LUN 2 is being xferred, wait.

This means that the LUNs are being failed over to the other head in a cluster setup. There will be other messages showing a transfer of LUNs.


02/11/05 15:23:13 E /vol1: mount error (-1): FS mounted read-only
02/11/05 15:23:13 E !/vol1: unable to create ACL database
02/11/05 15:23:13 E !/vol1: security DB initialization error
02/11/05 15:23:13 I /vol1 is complete
02/11/05 15:23:13 I sfs2_dtq_create: Could not create DTQ file, rc=5

If this is indeed the case, then refer to Technical Instruction <Document: 1007165.1>  Verifying reasons for lun availability of known LUNs on the Sun StorEdge[TM] 5210/5310 and Sun StorageTek[TM] 5320/5220 NAS

If there are no such messages, or if there are messages similar to:

Command failed 10 time(s) on adapter isp1.....

Then it means that the NAS is not at all aware of the underlying LUNs or in unable to communicate with the backend storage. This could also mean a marginal HBA

For details please see Technical Instruction <Document: 1007164.1>  Validating reasons for a lack of awareness of the NAS server to the underlying LUNs.

Sun StorageTek 5320 NAS Gateway/Cluster System
Sun StorageTek 5320 NAS Appliance
Sun StorageTek 5310 NAS Gateway/Cluster System
Sun StorageTek 5310 NAS Appliance
Sun StorageTek 5220 NAS Appliance
Sun StorageTek 5210 NAS Appliance

Internal Comments
This document contains normalized content and is managed by the the Domain Lead(s) of the respective domains. To notify content owners of a knowledge gap contained in this document, and/or prior to updating this document, please contact the domain engineers that are managing this document via the “Document Feedback” alias(es) listed below:

The Knowledge Work Queue for this article is KNO-STO-NAS
luns, missing, partitions, unowned luns, invalid, 5210, 5310, 5320, 5220, Nas, read-only, unmounted, Audited
Previously Published As

Change History
Date: 2007-09-21
User Name: 97961
Action: Approved
Comment: Publishing. No further edits required.
Version: 4
Date: 2007-09-21
User Name: 97961
Action: Accept
Version: 0
Date: 2007-09-21
User Name: 147406
Action: Approved
Comment: Added the resolution path name and lead name in the comments scrion,
Sending this to the final review.
Version: 0

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