Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1015225.1
Update Date:2011-04-14

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1015225.1 :   SL500 - Acquiring a New Advance Service Password for Library  

Related Items
  • Sun StorageTek SL500 Modular Library System
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Storage - Tape>Libraries - SL-Series


Applies to:

Sun StorageTek SL500 Modular Library System
All Platforms
Checked for relevance on 7-Dec-2010


Acquiring a New Advance Service Password for SL500 Library.
Instructions to acquire Advance Service Password for code prior to 1300 and how to handle Advance Service Password requests with 1300 and above.


Steps to Follow
Use the following steps to acquire Advance Service Password for code below 1300.

For libraries with 1300 and above code, refer to: Doc. 1019493.1

 This password is a controlled release.  All persons requesting it must be authorized to receive this password.

- Authorized persons are Oracle Service personal and Oracle Authorized Service Partners who have agreed to abide by the statement below sent them via e-mail and agreement returned. (This is an Engineering Requirement).

1. A Radiance Case must be opened and all correspondence will be entered into it.

2. International Support must present a Radiance case for tracking at SUN/STK HQ Broomfield.

3. All requests must be verified that they are authorized to receive the password.

4. All approved requesters MUST agree to the statement below before they can receive the password.

5. If no agreement is received the password can not be sent � there are no exceptions.

E-Mail body to be sent: -

- You will be sent the following via e-mail to which you will need to agree to. do.

- You have requested Password (root, eng, mfg, or advsrv) for: > advsrv-

 - Please indicate your agreement to abide by the following Oracle SL500 password usage statement. You must agree to the entire statement, without modification, in order to be considered to receive the requested password.


I agree that the advsrv login password is provided to me personally, for dissemination to field personnel who have a need to know. If people other than field personnel have a need to know the password, then I will direct them to personally request so in an email to SUN HQ Support person working the Clarify case and will not give them the password otherwise.

If I record the password (electronically or on paper), I will take actions that will prevent the password from being seen or sent to anyone else, either purposely or inadvertently. I will also ensure that no one is allowed to see the password as I enter it.

Internal Comments
Passwords are NOT available for root, engineering or manufacturing environments.
Full e-mail address if no access to SUN-Storagetek e-mail system =

Code 1022 and above, SL500, 1300, How to acquire the Advance Service Password for the library, Advance Service password, STK/SUN Program Team and Engineering management decided to reset and change the Advance Service password for code update and security, Firmware upgrade, Firmware upgrade requires new password to access Advance Service access, This is a requirement put out by Library Program team and Engineering Management, How to acquire password Advance Service, Advsrv, audited, Password
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