Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1018648.1
Update Date:2010-05-25

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1018648.1 :   Instructions for Direct Access to the Sun Fire[TM] V20z/V40z Service Processor  

Related Items
  • Sun Fire V20z Compute Grid Rack System
  • Sun Fire V20z Server
  • Sun Fire V40z Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>x64 Servers


These are instructions to connect and configure the Service Processor; please reference the V20z/V40z Server Management Guide for additional information.

PLEASE NOTE: In order to connect to the Service Processor, you must use a network connection as well as be able to open an "ssh" connection.

Steps to Follow
Instructions for Direct Access to the Sun Fire[TM] V20z/V40z Service Processor

Step 1.
Attach a network cable to one of the management ports on the back of the V20z/V40z server from either your laptop or the customer's console. Remember, that you must use ssh to access the service processor.

Step 2.
Make sure the service processor is powered on, and the SP is finished booting. This can be confirmed by looking at the Operator Panel(LCD)
in the front of the server. It does not matter if the OS is booted or not, you can connect to the SP even if the system is not powered on, as long as main power is connected and the SP is powered on.

Step 3.
Assign a "NEW" IP and "NEW" service account/password to the SP. If the customer has already assigned and IP and service account/password already, skip to step 4.

1.Use the LCD panel and select SP menu.
2.Select SP IP info
3.Input IP information by means of the buttons. You have of a choice between using DHCP or using a static IP.
4.Use ssh to connect to the SP by using the following command:

# ssh <sp-ipaddress> -l setup
You will then be  prompted to setup the new service account(username) and password. If a username and  password already exists, then make sure that it was not created by the customer.  You can clear the username and password by using the Operator Panel(LCD). Navigate to the SP menu and select Use defaults option.   Note: All the current network and user settings for the SP will be set to factory defaults.

Step 4.
Access the SP by ssh connection. Use the following command:

# ssh -l <username> <SP ip-address>
You will then be prompted for the password.  Once authenicated, you will be at the loghost prompt.
Once connected, you can now run commands such as diags, inventory, sp, and platform to manage or troubleshoot the server.

Related product documentation
Refer to the following documents for current Installation and maintenance information:

Sun Fire V20z and Sun Fire V40z Servers Installation Guide (817-5246)
Sun Fire V20z and Sun Fire V40z Servers Server Management Guide (817-5249)

These are available on the Sun Fire V20z and Sun Fire V40z Servers Documentation page.

Sun Fire V40z Server
Sun Fire V20z Server
Sun Fire V20z Compute Grid Rack System

V20z, V40z, ssh, SP, service processor, connect, platform, diags, inventory, nsv, network share volume, NFS, server, mount
Previously Published As
Change History
Date: 2010-05-26
User Name:
Action: Checked for currency
Comment: Updated to include link to current product documentation.

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