Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1018759.1
Update Date:2010-10-08

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1018759.1 :   Sun StorEdge[TM]: How to Log syslogs from Multiple T3 Arrays into the Same Server but Different Files  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage T3 Array
  • Sun Storage T3+ Array
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Storage - Disk>Modular Disk - Other


This article tells you what to do if you have multiple T3+'s (referenced below as T3B) and want to centralize the syslog's in one admin server without mixing them in the same /var/adm/messages.t3 file.

Steps to Follow
Note: This feature was only tested with T3B running the F/W 2.1 or higher.
The default "local" level used by the T3B is 7. That means that all the events inside the T3B are sent out (if the T3B's syslog is properly configured) through the local7.

However, with T3B and the appropriate F/W, you can set the local level (from 0 to 7) to be used to send the events out. Therefore, you can specify a different local level for each of your T3B's and configure your syslog.conf file on your server to gather the events into the appropriate files.

The following configuration was used for the example below:

- 4x T3B (running the F/W 2.1 or higher): T3b0, T3b1, T3b2, T3b3

- 1x administration server: saturn (IP

T3b0's syslog file

*.warn @ local0

T3b1's syslog file

*.warn @ local1

T3b2's syslog file

*.warn @ local2

T3b3's syslog file

*.warn @ local3

saturn's syslog file

local0.* /var/adm/messages.T3b0

local1.* /var/adm/messages.T3b1

local2.* /var/adm/messages.T3b2

local3.* /var/adm/messages.T3b3

Sun StorageTek T3+ Array
Sun StorageTek T3 Array

Internal Comments
For internal Sun use only.,

error log, disks, storage, error messages, T3, T4, 6120
Previously Published As

Change History
Date: 2004-06-04
User Name: C149439
Action: Approved
Comment: Placed product name in the beginning of title. Edited text.
Gail Waldron
Version: 0
Date: 2004-05-28
User Name: C149439
Action: Accepted
Version: 0
Date: 2004-05-28
User Name: 71066
Action: Approved
Comment: I'm passing this doc to the final review stage directly because:
1--The technical part didn't change. I've not done any change.
2--I've just changed the expiration date from 2004 to 2005.
3--This doc is already published but due to technical reason, the contents got corrupted when I took it into my draft queue for modification. The dev team recovered the situation and now I would like to move it out from my draft queue.
Version: 0

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