Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1018865.1
Update Date:2010-10-06

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1018865.1 :   Sun StorEdge[TM] 6320: How to Collect an Extractor  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage 6320 System
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Storage - Disk>Modular Disk - 6xxx Arrays


This document describes how to collect Solution Extract collections for support and troubleshooting of a Sun StorEdge[TM] 6320 Array.

Steps to Follow
The Sun StorEdge[TM} 6320 uses a special version of StorADE which includes the extractor
1. Connect to StorADE using your web browser, and log in.
LOGIN: ras
PASSWD: agent
  • If you cannot connect or log into the SP using the method above, please correct the access problem to the SP.  Reference <Document: 1019956.1>: Troubleshooting SunStorEdge 6320[TM] Loss of Management Access
  • If you get the splash page, continue to Step 2.

 2.  Click Monitor -> Utilities -> Solution.
 3.  Enter the correct password for the array(s)
 4.  Click the "Start Extract" button You will then be able to download the extractor output from the GUI when it completes.

Sun StorageTek 6320 System

Internal Comments
These are internal Steps to follow.

In addition to the GUI based collection, you can collect the Solution Extract using the command line
on the SP.  This has to be done either via serial or connecting in using a laptop into the component lan
and a laptop, or through SSRR.

To obtain an extractor, on the service processor run:

  # /opt/SUNWstade/sysbin/se_extract -r -d 2 -b

It will create a tar file and a logfile of the command execution in the
/var/opt/SUNWstade/DATA/Download/Solution directory. 

The file must then be ftp'd or otherwise downloaded to a remote system.

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6320, 6020, maserati, storade, extractor, normalized, solution extract, audited
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Date: 2007-09-11
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Action: Update Canceled
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Date: 2007-09-06
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Date: 2005-09-16

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