Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1019321.1
Update Date:2011-03-24

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1019321.1 :   How to check Fault/warning LEDs on Blade 6000/6048 Systems  

Related Items
  • Sun Blade T6300 Server Module
  • Sun Blade X6220 Server Module
  • Sun Blade X6450 Server Module
  • Sun Blade T6320 Server Module
  • Sun Blade X6250 Server Module
  • Sun Blade 6048 System
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>x64 Servers
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>Blade Servers


This document describes how to check LED states on a Blade 6000 and a Blade 6048 chassis.


  • System dead
  • Chassis dead
  • Blade dead
  • Blade not booting
  • Unable to log into the CMM
  • No AC


This document gives details on how to check LED states on a SunBlade [TM] 6000 system and a SunBlade [TM] 6048 system, on both the chassis and the individual blades

The document will describe how to check locally (i.e. if you have physical access to the platform), and remotely using ipmitool commands

Steps to Follow
Steps to follow to check chassis LED status

Blade 6000 LEDs

The CMM has the following LEDs:

  • Locate
  • Service Action Required
  • Power/OK LED
  • Temperature Fail LED
  • CMM power/OK LED
  • Ethernet Link Activity

A full description on the state of each LED may be found in the Sun System handbook, at

Sun Blade 6000 Modular System LEDs

If you note that the Service Action Required LED is lit on CMM, check the indicators on the power supplies and fan modules to see if one of these is also lit.

If the chassis Service Action Required LEDs are illuminated but no other system component displays its Service Action Required LED, then fault management has diagnosed an external fault: a problem outside the system that potentially affects the system as a whole. For example, if the external ambient air temperature exceeds 45 C, a fault is declared and the system will shut down although there is nothing physically wrong with any system hardware.

If the chassis Temperature Fail LED is on, then at least one of the ambient temperature sensors in the power supply modules surpassed 40 C.

If an individual blade server “Service Action Required” LED is lit, refer to the following:

Sun Blade T6300 Server Module LEDs
Sun Blade T6320 Server Module LEDs
Sun Blade X6220 Server Module LEDs
Sun Blade X6250 Server Module LEDs
Sun Blade X6450 Server Module LEDs

The Ethernet Link Activity on the CMM, provides these indications:

Steady On - indicates external Ethernet connection is active.
Steady Off - indicates that there is no external Ethernet connection

Blade 6048 LEDs

Refer to Sun Blade 6048 Modular System LEDs

Interrogating LEDs remotely using ipmitool

You can access LED information remotely on systems that run the ILOM (i.e the chassis CMM and the X6220 blade server) as follows:

# ipmitool -I lan -H <CMM_ip_addr> -U root sunoem led get all

ch.normal.led    | ON
ch.locate.led    | OFF
ch.alert.led     | OFF
ch.tempfail.led  | OFF

# ipmitool -I lan -H <X6220_sp_ip_addr> -U root sunoem led get all

sys.power.led    | ON
sys.ok2rm.led    | OFF
sys.service.led  | OFF
sys.locate.led   | OFF      | OFF   | OFF   | OFF   | OFF   | OFF   | OFF   | OFF   | OFF   | OFF      | OFF   | OFF   | OFF   | OFF   | OFF   | OFF   | OFF   | OFF   | OFF    | OFF    | OFF    | OFF    | OFF
hdd0.ok2rm.led   | OFF
hdd1.ok2rm.led   | OFF
hdd2.ok2rm.led   | OFF
hdd3.ok2rm.led   | OFF

NOTE: You can't access blade servers running ALOM using ipmitool. You can access blade servers running ELOM (i.e X6250) and gather sensor data:

# ipmitool -I lan -H -U root sdr

CPU 0 Temp       | 37 degrees C      | ok
CPU 1 Temp       | disabled          | ns
VRD 0 Temp       | 24 degrees C      | ok
VRD 1 Temp       | 23 degrees C      | ok
DIMM 0 Temp      | 23 degrees C      | ok
DIMM 1 Temp      | 27 degrees C      | ok
P_VCCP0          | 1.15 Volts        | ok
P_VCCP1          | 0.18 Volts        | ok
P1V2_VTT         | 1.21 Volts        | ok
P1V5_MCH         | 1.49 Volts        | ok
P2V5             | 2.49 Volts        | ok
P1V8_B0          | 1.81 Volts        | ok
P1V2_NIC         | 1.21 Volts        | ok
P3V3             | 3.32 Volts        | ok
P5V              | 4.92 Volts        | ok
P3V3_SUS         | 3.27 Volts        | ok
P12V             | 12.35 Volts       | ok
P12V_CPU1        | 12.29 Volts       | ok
P12V_CPU0        | 12.29 Volts       | ok
Processor 0 Hot  | Not Readable      | ns
Processor 1 Hot  | Not Readable      | ns
Vcore 0          | 0x01              | ok
Vcore 1          | 0x01              | ok
Processor 0      | Not Readable      | ns
Processor 1      | Not Readable      | ns
DIMM-A0          | Not Readable      | ns
DIMM-A1          | Not Readable      | ns
DIMM-A2          | Not Readable      | ns
DIMM-A3          | Not Readable      | ns
DIMM-B0          | Not Readable      | ns
DIMM-B1          | Not Readable      | ns
DIMM-B2          | Not Readable      | ns
DIMM-B3          | Not Readable      | ns
DIMM-C0          | Not Readable      | ns
DIMM-C1          | Not Readable      | ns
DIMM-C2          | Not Readable      | ns
DIMM-C3          | Not Readable      | ns
DIMM-D0          | Not Readable      | ns
DIMM-D1          | Not Readable      | ns
DIMM-D2          | Not Readable      | ns
DIMM-D3          | Not Readable      | ns
POST Error       | Not Readable      | ns
PCIE Error       | Not Readable      | ns
FSB Error        | Not Readable      | ns
INTERNAL Error   | Not Readable      | ns
Eventlog         | Not Readable      | ns
System Event     | Not Readable      | ns
Critical INT     | Not Readable      | ns
Watchdog         | Not Readable      | ns

Sun Blade 6000 Modular System
Sun Blade 6048 Modular System
Sun Blade X6220 Server Module
Sun Blade X6250 Server Module
Sun Blade X6450 Server Module
Sun Blade T6300 Server Module
Sun Blade T6320 Server Module

Internal Comments
This document contains normalized content and is managed by the the Domain Lead(s) of the respective domains. To notify content owners of a knowledge gap contained in this document, and/or prior to updating this document, please contact the domain engineers that are managing this document via the “Document Feedback” alias(es) listed below:

Domain Lead:
Feedback Alias: blade_normalizers@sun

normalized, 6000, blade, 6048, no power, X6220, X6250, T6300, T6320, no led's, no AC, can't login, fault light

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