Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1019322.1
Update Date:2011-06-10

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1019322.1 :   How to gather Information from Sun Blade[TM] 6000/6048 systems.  

Related Items
  • Sun Blade 6000 System
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>x64 Servers
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>Blade Servers


Applies to:

Sun Blade 6000 System - Version: Not Applicable and later   [Release: N/A and later ]
All Platforms



This document describes how to gather data from a Sun Blade[TM] 6000 and a Sun Blade[TM] 6048 chassis.


  •  CMM hangs
  •  Chassis issues – fans power,supplies
  •  Warning LEDs on
  •  Failure to log in to CMM
  •  Can't login to blade


This document gives details on how to gather data from all components in a Blade 6000/6048 system, from the chassis LEDs, CMM, SPs and the blades themselves.


Steps to Follow
Steps to follow for gathering data from a Sun Blade[TM] 6000/6048 Modular System

The Sun Blade 6000/6048 systems can be split into four areas from where
data can be collected:

    Light Emittring Diodes LEDs
    Chassis Management Module (CMM)
    Service Processors (SPs) for Blades and certain Network Express Modules (NEM)
    Blade Server Modules (which are capable of running a number of operating systems)


Note the status of the various chassis LEDS.
Refer to < Document: 1019321.1 > Procedure to check Fault/warning LEDs on Blade 6000/6048 Systems

Chassis Management Module (CMM)

If the Chassis Management Module is responding then collect the following data using one of the following methods.

Method 1 - ipmitool is often considered the preferable as it provides the data in a text format which is compact.

ipmitool -U root -H -I lan sel elist
ipmitool -U root -H -I lan fru
ipmitool -U root -H -I lan sdr elist

Method 2 - using ILOM CMM CLI

Connect to CMM by ssh with the user root. Record the following output by using a logging terminal or a utility like the Unix script command.

-> show /CMM/logs/event/list

(make sure the entire log is collected by pressing any key when prompted)

-> show / -l all

(NOTE: this output is very long)

Method 3 - using ILOM Web GUI.

Connect with a browser to the CMM. Put the CMM ip address in the browser; it will return an address similar to the following:


Login and proceed as follows

Select CMM on left hand of Page
Select System Monitoring Tab , and sub tab Indicators and note or snap display.

Select System Monitoring Tab, and sub tab Event Logs and snap display - this will typically be several pages long and it is important all output is collected.

Select System Monitoring Tab and sub tab Sensor Readings and note or snap display.

Select System Information Tab and sub tab Versions and note or snap display.

How to run the script on a CMM

This is normally requested if there is a problem suspected with the firmware or functioning of the CMM. If requested to run by Sun Support, follow these steps.

  • ssh to the cmm as user sunservice using the same password as root.

  • Run the command

  • use scp to copy off created dbginfo_x.x.x.x file in /dev/shm

  • provide file to Sun Support

Service Processors (SPs)

Gather the following data from each Blade Server's SP:

ipmitool -I lan -U root -H sel elist
ipmitool -I lan -U root -H sensor list
ipmitool -I lan -U root -H fru

NOTE: You can not run ipmitool commands against on a T6300 blade service processor

Blade Server Modules

Methods for gathering data are dependent on which OS is running.

  • Solaris[TM]

Run explorer to obtain Blade OS information.
Refer to "How to Run Sun[TM] Explorer and Forward the Data to a Sun Engineer"

  • Red Hat

Run the Red Hat utility /usr/sbin/sysreport and provide the file created.

NOTE: Sysreport does not collect various files in the /var/log directory which may be useful ( such as old messages files).

Collect the following file:

cd /var/log
tar -cf /tmp/log.tar *

  • SUSE

Run SIGA (System information GAthering) (/usr/bin/siga)
As with Red Hat, /var/log files are not collected, so collect:

cd /var/log
tar -cf /tmp/log.tar *

As well as SIGA, supportconfig is a tool which collects more data. Supportconfig documented at:


NOTE: SIGA, supportconfig and syreport are the official tools of the respective companies.

There is also a script called Linux Explorer which collects data in a manner similar to the SPARC Explorer.

See < Document: 1001974.1 > Sun[TM] Linux: A Data Collector similar to Sun[TM] Explorer

This is unofficial and unsupported - but the version at the following location does collect all the files in /var/log:

  • Windows

See Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems: How to obtain troubleshooting information

Microsoft Windows(R) operating system: How to obtain troubleshooting information for storage issues

for information on the Microsoft Product Support Reporting Tool

  • VMware


Sun Blade 6000 Modular System
Sun Blade 6048 Modular System
Sun Blade X6220 Server Module
Sun Blade X6250 Server Module
Sun Blade X6450 Server Module
Sun Blade T6300 Server Module
Sun Blade T6320 Server Module

Internal Comments
This document contains normalized content and is managed by the the Domain Lead(s) of the respective domains. To notify content owners of a knowledge gap contained in this document, and/or prior to updating this document, please contact the domain engineers that are managing this document via the “Document Feedback” alias(es) listed below:

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Additional Information

For information on Linux data gathering see:


normalized, blade, 6000, 6048, data, gathering

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