Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1019382.1
Update Date:2010-01-15

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1019382.1 :   How to verify power on a Sun Blade[TM] 6000 and Sun Blade[TM] 6048 Modular System  

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This document describes how to check power on a Blade 6000 and a Blade 6048 chassis.


  • System dead
  • Chassis dead
  • Blade dead
  • Blade not booting
  • Unable to log into the CMM
  • No AC
  • No led's


This document gives details on how to check for power on a SunBlade [TM] 6000 system and a SunBlade [TM] 6048 system, on both the chassis and the individual blades

The document will describe how to check locally (i.e. if you have physical access to the platform), and remotely via the chassis management module.

Steps to Follow
Steps to follow to verify chassis status and power

This document concentrates on the Sun Blade 6000. However, much applies to the Sun Blade 6048, which is essentially four Sun Blade 6000 systems in a rack. Please check the specific links for Sun Blade 6048 information.

  • Verifying chassis status and power if you are local to the system.

Firstly, check the chassis front and rear led status

Information on the led's states are detailed in the Sun Blade 6000 Modular System Getting Started Guide, part number 820-0427, which can be found in the

Sun Blade 6000 Modular System Documentation collection

The Sun Blade 6000 Modular System LEDs are also in the Sun System Handbook:

Sun Blade 6000 Modular System LEDs

as are the Sun Blade 6048 details:

Sun Blade 6048 Modular System LEDs

  • Checking the AC power source

The SB6000 chassis has two N+1 redundant power supplies located at the front of the chassis

Check the AC0 and AC1 led's located on each psu - if you have AC power to the individual power supply you should have these both lit. If these led's are 'off' you may have a rack AC mains supply issue

Check your AC connections at the rear of the chassis. Since the chassis power supplies are N+1 redundant, you only need one power supply and one AC input pair to power the chassis. On the chassis rear bottom left there are four AC inputs marked PS1-AC1 and PS1-AC0 (top pair) and PS0-AC1 and PS0-AC0 (bottom pair), these power PS1 and PS0 respectively. If these are connected and you still don't have power to the chassis confirm you have AC mains input to the rack.


Sun Blade 6000 Modular System Power Supply LEDs

Sun Blade 6048 Modular System Power Supply LEDs

Cautionary Note:

If you have no LEDs on the PSUs and no power coming from the rack, engage a qualified electrician to check the AC voltage on the power cords.

  • Verifying chassis power remotely.

Try to log into the CMM using the ssh command or via the CMM serial port.

For serial port configurations see 'Sun Blade 6000 Modular System Getting Started Guide' and also <Document: 1019307.1> How to to verify cabling on a Blade 6000

If connecting via the network you will need the ip address of the CMM:

ssh -l <CMM_admin_account> <IP_ADDRESS>

<cmm_hostname> login:

If you get the above prompt to log in then the CMM and chassis is powered on. Log in as required...

Sun(TM) Integrated Lights Out Manager


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Use is subject to license terms.


In addition we can confirm the status of PS0 and PS1, here is an example for PS0

->show /CH/PS0


        type = Power Supply
        fru_name = A206 POWER SUPPLY
        fru_part_number = 300-1802-06
        fru_serial_number =


  • Verifying individual blade status and power if you are local to the chassis.

The front of each blade has a row of status LEDs.

Ensure that the green 'OK' led is lit, this will indicate that the blade server is in main power mode with power supplied to all components. For further details of blade status led's refer to the individual blade documentation available at

  • Verifying individual blade status and power remotely.

This can be confirmed using the chassis ILOM via a web browser.

In the browser location bar, insert the ip address of the CMM.

The browser responds with a certificate security question - highlight 'Accept this certificate temporarily for this session' and click OK or examine the certificate as required.

Enter your administrator login and password. The next screen will give you a 6000 chassis view with chassis, cmm and blades BL0 through to BL9 down the left with a full chassis view front and rear (greyed out blades are not installed)

Select your blade on the left and navigate the tabs at the top to 'Remote Control' and then 'Remote power Control'.

The power status of the blade is displayed.


Sun Blade 6000 Modular System Documentation
Sun Blade 6000 Modular System ILOM Documentation
Sun Blade 6048 Modular System Documentation
Sun Blade 6048 Modular System ILOM Documentation

Sun Blade 6000 Modular System
Sun Blade 6048 Modular System
Sun Blade X6220 Server Module
Sun Blade X6250 Server Module
Sun Blade X6450 Server Module
Sun Blade T6300 Server Module
Sun Blade T6320 Server Module

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normalized, 6000, blade, 6048, verify, power, X6220, X6250, T6300, T6320, no led's, no AC

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