Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1019421.1
Update Date:2009-04-01

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1019421.1 :   How to verify CMM network configuration on a Sun Blade[TM] 8000/8000P system  

Related Items
  • Sun Blade X8420 Server Module
  • Sun Blade X8450 Server Module
  • Sun Blade 8000 System
  • Sun Blade X8440 Server Module
  • Sun Blade 8000 P System
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>Blade Servers


This document describes how to verify CMM network configuration (IP address, MAC address, routing, etc)
  • CMM not contactable
  • CMM webgui not responding
  • I can't login into CMM


This document describes how to verify CMM network configuration - it does not cover network setup on the individual blade servers

Steps to Follow
Steps to connect to the Chassis Monitoring Module (CMM) on a Sun Blade[TM] 8000/8000P chassis via a serial connection to the CMM, verify its network settings and/or setup a new network configuration.

If you have network connection issues or until the CMM has a working IP address assigned to it, you must use a serial connection to communicate with the CMM.

After establishing a serial connection to the CMM, you can verify its network settings and/or setup a new network configuration.

You can choose to configure the CMM and server module(s) with static or DHCP IP addresses. The default out-of-box configuration for all CMM network settings is to request DHCP IP address assignment.  The network settings may appear to have garbage settings if the CMM NET_MGT port is not connected to an active network when the CMM is started.

Logging into to a CMM via serial connection

Note: From the Sun Blade 8000 Series Modular System Online Information System Part No. 819-5846

When connecting to ILOM using a serial console, you will need to configure the terminal device or terminal emulation software to use the following default serial settings:

  • 8N1: eight data bits, no parity, one stop bit

  • 9600 baud

  • Disable hardware flow control (CTS/RTS)

  • Disable software flow control (XON/XOFF)

You can access the ILOM CLI remotely through a Secure Shell (SSH) or serial connection. Secure Shell connections are enabled by default. Use an appropriate SSH client for you operating system.

The default username is root and default password is changeme.

The serial port speed setting of 9600 baud can be configured up to 115,200 with ILOM v1.1.5 or later firmware.  The default setting remains at 9600 for all firmware versions.

There are 3 possible addresses to be used.

CMM in lower slot (CMM0)

CMM in upper slot (CMM1)

Master CMM – In a 2 CMM configuration there is a failover capability in

the CMMs to provide redundancy. This address will always be used by the

Master CMM in addition to the specific CMM addresses above.

Note the example below shows a serial connection to the Master CMM.

A serial connection to the Standby will not allow examination or set up

of the network parameters. To confirm that the serial connection is to

the active CMM used the "-> show /CMM/redundancy" command and check

the property “status” is set to active.


blade_8000 login: root

Sun(TM) Integrated Lights Out Manager


Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.


-> show /CMM/redundancy




fru_name = /CH/CMM0

initiate_failover_action = (none)

status = Active

  1. Type one of the following commands to set the SP working directory:

    For CMM in slot 0: cd /CMM/network/CMM0
    For CMM in slot 1: cd /CMM/network/CMM1
    For master CMM : cd /CMM/network/MASTERCMM

    2) Type the show command to view the IP address(es) assigned, for example:

    For a chassis CMM in slot 0: show /CMM/network/CMM0
    For a chassis CMM in slot 1: show /CMM/network/CMM1
    For master CMM : show /CMM/network/MASTERCMM

For all CMM network settings: show -l all /CMM/network



show /CMM/network/CMM0


        commitpending = (Cannot show property)
        ipaddress =
        ipdiscovery = static
        ipgateway =
        ipnetmask =
        macaddress = 00:03:BA:C0:FF:EE
        pendingipaddress =
        pendingipdiscovery = static
        pendingipgateway =
        pendingipnetmask =



Type the following commands to change the existing IP address assigned.

-> cd /CMM/network/CMM0

set pendingipaddress=static_IP_address  Type this command using the static IP address that you want to assign to the CMM
set pendingipnetmask=static_netmask_address Type this command using the static netmask address that you want to assign to the CMM
set pendingipgateway=static_netmask_address Type this command using the static gateway address that you want to assign to the CMM
set pendingipdiscovery=static Type this command using the value static. Options are static or dhcp
set commitpending=true  Type this command to assign the network settings specified

Verify the new network settings are correct:

-> show /CMM/network/CMM0

To log out of the CMM, type:

-> exit

Repeat the above example steps to configure the settings for "/CMM/network/CMM1" and "/CMM/network/MASTERCMM".


Sun Blade 8000 Modular System Documentation
Sun Blade 8000 P Modular System Documentation

The Sun Blade 8000 Series Modular System Online Information System (OIS) is available from the
Sun Blade 8000 P Modular System Documentation collection.

It provides overview material and instructions for installing, configuring, and administering the Sun Blade 8000 Modular System.
The documentation also includes procedures to install and replace components, and to diagnose system operations.

Information about the Sun Blade X8400 Server Module, the X8420 Server Module, the X8440 Server Module, and the X8450 Server Module is also included.

The file includes a collection of HTML files that comprise the Online Information System for the Sun Blade 8000 and Sun Blade 8000 P Modular Systems. To access the Online Information System in ZIP format, perform the following steps:

1. Click in the Link column to download the ZIP package.

2. Save the file to disk.

3. Unzip the file.

The 819-5846-15 directory is created and includes all HTML files that comprise the Online Information System.

4. In a web browser, navigate to the 819-5846-15 directory and open the frames.html file.
The Online Information System for the Sun Blade 8000 and 8000 P Modular Systems appea

Sun Blade 8000 Modular System
Sun Blade x8400 Server Module
Sun Blade X8420 Server Module
Sun Blade X8440 Server Module
Sun Blade X8450 Server Module
Sun Blade 8000 P Modular System

Internal Comments
This document contains normalized content and is managed by the the Domain Lead(s) of the respective domains. To notify content owners of a knowledge gap contained in this document, and/or prior to updating this document, please contact the domain engineers that are managing this document via the “Document Feedback” alias(es) listed below:

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normalized, blade, cmm, 8000, 8000P, login, setup, network

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