Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1019493.1
Update Date:2011-04-15

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1019493.1 :   SL500 - Information concerning ADVSRV password with V1300 code on SL500  

Related Items
  • Sun StorageTek SL500 Modular Library System
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Storage - Tape>Libraries - SL-Series


Applies to:

Sun StorageTek SL500 Modular Library System
All Platforms
Checked for relevance on 11/23/2010.
Updated format.


With the release of 1300 code on Oracle/StorageTek[TM] SL500 modular library system , the ADVSRV password has changed.


For libraries with code below 1300, refer to: Doc. 1015225.1

The Advance Service Password is under strict control.

The 'advsrv' password is being provided for distribution to only those people who have a real and valid customer service "need to know".

The 'advsrv' Password is a confidential and restricted password as it allows the user to perform actions to the library that could cause customer issues if not used properly.  Therefore only select Sun people should be allowed to have the password.

Please indicate your agreement to abide by the following Oracle Corp SL500 password usage statement.  You must agree to the entire statement, without modification, in order to be considered to receive the requested password.


I agree that the password is provided to me personally and is not to be given to anyone else within or outside of Oracle Corp.
If others have a need to know the password, then I will direct them to personally request so in an email to and will not give them the password under any circumstance, even if they have a valid "need to know" the password.

If I record the password (electronically or on paper), I will take actions that will prevent the password from being seen or sent to anyone else, either purposely or inadvertently.  I will also ensure that no one sees me type in the password as well. I will never email the password unencrypted or not password protected.

Internal Comments
Should Lee Johnson not be available, you will need to contact his Manager, Ed Sullivan, for further instructions.

Example of changes in new code:


1. Neither service or advsrv login has the
"feature restricted" command as this has been replaced with SILKS
licensing in 1300 code and higher.

2. 'service' and 'advsrv' NOW  have the
same commands except that 'advsrv' contains these additional 6 commands*

   - drive load

      Initiate the specified drive's cartridge load process.

   - drive reset

      Reset the specified drive.

   - drive rewindunload

      Commands the specified drive to rewind then unload its cartridge.

-  fetch

      Retrieve the cartridge from the specified address to the Robot hand.

   - statisticsreset

        For ,  reset the total number of get/put operations.

   -  retries and failures.

        For ,  reset the media drive event statistic.

3. A process could/should be put in place to communicate what
service engineers for a given office or region should set the service
password to -or- a process to securely record in a commonly accessible
manner what the password was set to by the service engineer for each
library serial number.

4. Some possible responses to push back are interspersed below.  Service
needs to reword and make these your responses as these need to conform
to any existing or future Service policy.

**When powering up a new box you need to connect to the CLI to find out the IP address so that @you can then connect using SLC.         
  Activating and using the service password would allow this to happen.


**To set reserved cells - Activating and using the
service password would allow this to happen.

  **To run the feature restricted command -  This command is no 
longer needed and has been removed.


  **If I get a SDP alert and connect remotely so that I can download logs the only way in is advsrv because there is NO way to know

     what the service password is.   Would be covered by a password
handling process.

   * *When passwords have been forgotten and I need to do a reset password all command . -This can be handled via a Service
process such as indicated in item 3.

   * *You have been on quite a few escalations that have required a new RLM card from engineering once again when installed you need advsrv

     access to configure. -Activating and using the service
password would allow this to happen.

   * *You run SL500 training courses and the lab machine quite often
is blown away by students and you need to get in  reset options and

     p/words  etc, you also use it to put on bugs for the lab sessions.

* In some cases a particular person needs to have the advsrv pw.  -This
may be one of them.   However, they MUST 
keep the pw to themself and not share it with anyone else.   Even if the
person has a valid need to know the pw.  The other person should be
able to justify them having the password as well.

SL500, Password, ADVSRV, Advance Service, 1300, 13.00, Firmware, Microcode

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