Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1019500.1
Update Date:2009-08-18

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1019500.1 :   How to verify the internal network on a Sun Netra[TM] CT 900  

Related Items
  • Sun Netra CT900 Server
  • Sun Netra CP3260 ATCA Blade Server
  • Sun Netra CP3220 ATCA Blade Server
  • Sun Netra CP3010 Blade Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Boards>NEBS-Certified Servers
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>NEBS-Certified Servers


The purpose of this document is to give instructions on verifying the operation of the network connections within the Sun Netra[TM] CT 900.


  • Internal network on CT 900 not responding
  • No network connection to CT 900 Blade
  • Network connection to CT 900 Blade slow
  • Network port not working on CT 900


The purpose of this document is to give instruction on verifying the operation of the INTERNAL network connections of the Sun Netra CT 900.

External network connection issues may be resolved by referencing documents <Document: 1019514.1>  How to verify the network connections required for shelf administration of the Sun Netra CT 900

Steps to Follow
Steps to follow to verify the state of the internal network connections using the Switch LEDs on the Netra CT900

The Netra CT900 shelf contains 2 Switch Blades which may be one of the following combinations, both Netra CP3140, both Netra CP3240 or one of each.

Understanding the meaning of the LEDs on the Sun Netra CP3140 Switch Blades is key to verifying the correct operation. When a network link is made to the port, the associated LED will illuminate with a different colour to indicate the connection speed.

Port Status LEDs

LED Colour

Link State








Link not up

Each Switch Blade has three separate ethernet networks

  • The Base Network - physically labelled 3.0 (refers to the Base PICMG specification 3.0)

  • The Extended Network (also known as the Fabric Network) - physically labelled 3.1 (refers to the Extended PICMG specifcation 3.1)

  • The External Management Network - physically labelled Mgt

The Base and Extended networks are each provided with separate, distinct switching circuitry which for clarity can be called a switch unit. The management network has a dedicated switch chip for its connectivity.

The shelf slots and switch ports are not directly mapped. Each slot corresponds to a logical port on the switch unit.
The ports are different for the two networks. Some of the ports go to external connectors on the front panel of the switch board, some are routed through to a Rear Transmission Module, and some are routed through the Mid-plane to other boards within the Netra CT900 Shelf.

Internally Routed Ports

Shelf Slot

Base Network Port

Extended Network Port

















































* The table shows the port numbering for the switch in slot 7 so there is no port/LED for itself.
For the Switch in slot 8, the port numbers 2 for Base and 1 for Extended are used for the connection to slot 7

** The Base Network port 1 on Switch 7 maps to the upper ShMM
On Switch 8 it maps to the lower ShMM

*** Systems running firmware 3U1 (or later) have the option to set up ShMM cross-connect to allow operation of the Netconsole for Blades that support this feature. This will have been done by placing jumper E1 on the Switch board to position E1. When this is done, the external connection to port 17 on the Base Network is disabled and is instead routed through to the second ethernet (previously unused) connection on the other ShMM.

On the Netra CP3140 front panel, there is not sufficient space for status LEDs for all the ports on both networks. It is necessary to press the button situated at the top center of the front panel to select the network to be monitored. There is a network select status LED marked 3.0/3.1 situated beneath the port status LEDs which shows which network is currently selected for display.

Verifying the network connections using the switch command line

  • Log into the Base Network switch unit using the admin login and change to privilege mode

  • Issue the show port all command. The mode and physical status of each port will be reported.


(ATS1160 Base) # show port all
Admin   Physical   Physical   Link   Link    LACP  
Intf   Type    Mode    Mode       Status   Status  Trap    Mode  
------ ------ ------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------- -------
0/1           Enable  Auto       100 Full   Up     Enable  Enable  
0/2           Enable  Auto       1000 Full  Up     Enable  Enable  
0/3           Enable  Auto                  Down   Enable  Enable  
0/4           Enable  Auto       1000 Full  Up     Enable  Enable  
0/5           Enable  Auto                  Down   Enable  Enable  
0/6           Enable  Auto       1000 Full  Up     Enable  Enable  
0/7           Disable Auto                  Down   Enable  Enable  
0/8           Disable Auto                  Down   Enable  Enable  
0/9           Disable Auto                  Down   Enable  Enable  
0/10          Disable Auto                  Down   Enable  Enable  
0/11          Enable  Auto       1000 Full  Up     Enable  Enable  
0/12          Disable Auto                  Down   Enable  Enable  
0/13          Enable  Auto       1000 Full  Up     Enable  Enable  
0/14          Disable Auto                  Down   Enable  Enable  
0/15          Disable Auto                  Down   Enable  Enable  
0/16          Disable Auto                  Down   Enable  Enable  
0/17          Enable  Auto                  Down   Enable  Enable  
0/18          Enable  Auto                  Down   Enable  Enable  
0/19          Enable  Auto                  Down   Enable  Enable  
0/20          Enable  Auto       100 Full   Up     Enable  Enable  
0/21          Enable  Auto                  Down   Enable  Enable  
0/22          Enable  Auto                  Down   Enable  Enable  
0/23          Enable  Auto                  Down   Enable  Enable  
0/24          Enable  Auto                  Down   Enable  Enable  
(ATS1160 Base) #

Verifying the network connections using the switch Graphical User Interface

  • Point your favourite browser at the IP address of the either the Base Network switch unit or Extended Network switch unit as required. e.g. enter URL http://

  • Enter the admin username and password

At the top of the screen, a graphical display will come up showing a representation of all the switch ports. The colour indicates the whether the link is up and what speed it is operating. Refer to the included key shown to the left of the ports.

Using the switch Graphical User Interface to obtain more detail on port status

For further details of the port status the navigation bar on the left of the display can be used.

  • Click on the System folder Icon or adjacent + symbol to expand the options

  • Click on the Port folder Icon or adjacent + symbol listed under System to expand this option

  • Now click on Summary to bring up details in the main window of the status of all the ports

Verifying the state of VLAN 55 used for Netconsole

In order for the Shelf/ShMM feature known as "Netconsole" to be used, it is necessary for the ShMMs and all the required Blade slots to be part of VLAN 55. To verify this, first log onto the Base Network switch unit in privilege mode, then issue the show vlan 55 command and check the required ports are included. Use the table above to convert the required slot numbers to the appropriate Base Network port numbers. The digit after the oblique in the interface column is the network port number.


(ATS1160 Base) # show vlan 55
VLAN ID: 55    
VLAN Name: 
VLAN Type: Static
Interface   Current   Configured   Tagging 
----------  --------  -----------  --------
0/1         Include   Include      Tagged    
0/2         Exclude   Autodetect   Untagged  
0/3         Include   Include      Tagged    
0/4         Include   Include      Tagged    
0/5         Include   Include      Tagged    
0/6         Include   Include      Tagged    
0/7         Include   Include      Tagged    
0/8         Include   Include      Tagged    
0/9         Include   Include      Tagged    
0/10        Include   Include      Tagged    
0/11        Include   Include      Tagged    
0/12        Include   Include      Tagged    
0/13        Include   Include      Tagged    
0/14        Include   Include      Tagged    
0/15        Include   Include      Tagged    
0/16        Include   Include      Tagged    
0/17        Include   Include      Tagged    
0/18        Exclude   Autodetect   Untagged  
0/19        Exclude   Autodetect   Untagged  
0/20        Exclude   Autodetect   Untagged  
0/21        Exclude   Autodetect   Untagged  
0/22        Exclude   Autodetect   Untagged  
0/23        Exclude   Autodetect   Untagged  
0/24        Exclude   Autodetect   Untagged  
(ATS1160 Base) #

Sun Netra CT 900 Server
Netra CP3010 Board
Netra CP3020 Board
Netra CP3060 Board
Netra CP3240 Switch
Sun Netra CP3220 ATCA Blade Server
Sun Netra CP3260 ATCA Blade Server
Sun Netra CP3140 ATCA Switch Blade

Internal Comments
This document contains normalized content and is managed by the the Domain Lead(s) of the respective domains. To notify content owners of a knowledge gap contained in this document, and/or prior to updating this document, please contact the domain engineers that are managing this document via the "Document Feedback" alias(es) listed below:

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normalized, ATCA, network, switch, Netra, CT900, CP3010, CP3020, CP3060, CP3220, CP3250, CP3260, CP3140, CP3240

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