Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1019514.1
Update Date:2009-11-05

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1019514.1 :   How to verify the network connections required for shelf administration of the Sun[TM] Netra CT900  

Related Items
  • Sun Netra CT900 Server
  • Sun Netra CP3260 ATCA Blade Server
  • Sun Netra CP3220 ATCA Blade Server
  • Sun Netra CP3010 Blade Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Boards>NEBS-Certified Servers
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>NEBS-Certified Servers


This document describes how to verify the network connections required for management of the Sun[TM] Netra CT900
  • Can't access the CT900 network Switch
  • Can't login to a ShMM
  • Unable to telnet to Switch
  • Unable to telnet to the Shelf Manager
Purpose and Scope
This document will cover the physical network connection and basic setup of the management interfaces for the Sun Netra CT900 switches and Shelf Management Modules for purpose of mangement of the shelf.
It does not cover specific connection to the Server Nodes nor wider network issues.

Steps to Follow
Verifying correct network connectivity involves checking

1. Physical cable connections
2. Link status
3. Network interface configuration
  • Verify Physical Cable Connections
    • Switch Network Management Port

Each Switch Board comprises 2 physical Switch Units. Each Switch Unit has their own management interface which is accessible through the serial port or through a network interface known as the Serviceport. For the Netra CP3140 1Gbps Switch and the Netra CP3240 10Gbps switch, both the Switch Unit Serviceports are connected to a common Network Management Port on the front panel and on the optional Rear Transmission Module (RTM and ARTM respectively).

Refer to attachments cp3140_front_panel.gif , CP3140_RTM.gif and cp3240_front_panel.gif at the bottom of this document for network port locations. Check the network management physical ports on both switches for a good cable connection.

    • Shelf Management Module (ShMM) Network connectivity

The ShMM can be accessed via the Base Network through the Switch Blade using the midplane connection. External access is achieved by connecting to any Base Network Port on either Switch. Check the physical ports on both switches for a good cable connection.

  • Verify Link Status

Having checked that the cable is plugged in, the status of the link should be checked.

The switch network management ports do not have link connection LEDs. It will be necessary to check the link status at the other end of the cable on the device it is plugged into.

For the connection to be used by the ShMM, verify that the external cable port is showing an active link. Connection into the CP3140 can be checked by looking at the LEDs, see <Document: 1019516.1> If local access is not convenient, remote interrogation of the switch ports will show the status of the link. Connect to the switch through the Base Network serial port. Any problems refer to < Document: 1019404.1 > . Log in as the admin user and enable superuser mode. Issue the show port all command and confirm the link is working.


(v-ct900b-sw-a-b-gmp02) #show port all
Admin   Physical   Physical   Link   Link    LACP
Intf   Type    Mode    Mode       Status   Status  Trap    Mode
------ ------ ------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------- -------
0/1           Enable  Auto       100 Full   Up     Enable  Enable
0/2           Enable  Auto       1000 Full  Up     Enable  Enable
0/3           Disable Auto                  Down   Enable  Enable
0/4           Disable Auto                  Down   Enable  Enable
0/5           Enable  Auto       1000 Full  Up     Enable  Enable
0/6           Disable Auto                  Down   Enable  Enable
0/7           Disable Auto                  Down   Enable  Enable
0/8           Disable Auto                  Down   Enable  Enable
0/9           Enable  Auto       1000 Full  Up     Enable  Enable
0/10          Disable Auto                  Down   Enable  Enable
0/11          Enable  Auto       1000 Full  Up     Enable  Enable
0/12          Enable  Auto       1000 Full  Up     Enable  Enable
0/13          Enable  Auto       1000 Full  Up     Enable  Enable
0/14          Enable  Auto       1000 Full  Up     Enable  Enable
0/15          Disable Auto                  Down   Enable  Enable
0/16          Disable Auto                  Down   Enable  Enable
0/17          Enable  Auto                  Down   Enable  Enable
0/18          Enable  Auto                  Down   Enable  Enable
0/19          Enable  Auto                  Down   Enable  Enable
0/20          Enable  Auto       100 Full   Up     Enable  Enable
0/21          Enable  Auto                  Down   Enable  Enable
0/22          Enable  Auto                  Down   Enable  Enable
0/23          Enable  Auto                  Down   Enable  Enable
0/24          Enable  Auto                  Down   Enable  Enable  

In this example Port 20 is the external port and is showing the link to be up and running at 100Mbps. The other ports with link up status are all internal connections within the shelf.

  • Verify Network Interface Configuration

Initial setup of the network connection to the Switches and Shelf Management Modules is carried out through the appropriate serial ports. Please refer to <Document: 1019404.1> for serial connection problems.

    • Check the ShMM eth 0 (and eth 1 configuration if net-connect is being used)

Details can be found in <Document: 1019501.1> How to verify the network configuration for the Shelf Management Module (ShMM) on the Sun Netra CT900 Platform.

    • Check the Switch Network Management Port Configuration

Log into the switch through the serial port as user: admin and enable superuser.

Verify the IP parameters using the show serviceport command

You will need to do this for both the Base and Extended Networks for both Switch Blades.


(v-ct900b-sw-a-b-gmp02) #show serviceport
IP Address.....................................
Subnet Mask....................................
Default Gateway................................
ServPort Configured Protocol Current........... None
Burned In MAC Address.......................... 00:20:13:F0:BE:18

Note: in this example the subnet is not a standard class C subnet

If the settings do not match the expected configuration, use the serviceport command to set the correct values.


(v-ct900b-sw-a-b-gmp02) #serviceport ip 

In this example the IP address and netmask have been set. The default gateway is optional and can be set by adding the address as an additional parameter at the end of the command string.

Sun Netra CT 900 Server
Netra CP3010 Board
Netra CP3020 Board
Netra CP3060 Board
Netra CP3240 Switch
Sun Netra CP3140 ATCA Switch Blade
Sun Netra CP3220 ATCA Blade Server
Sun Netra CP3260 ATCA Blade Server

Internal Comments
Audited/updated 11/05/09 - Dencho.Kojucharov@Sun.COM, Entry Level SPARC Content Team Lead

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normalized, ATCA, Netra, CT900, CP3010, CP3020, CP3060, CP3220, CP3250, CP3260, CP3140, CP3240, Switch, ShMM

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