Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1021060.1
Update Date:2010-01-21

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1021060.1 :   Verify Sun Storage[TM] Array Drive Model Information via the User Interface  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage 6130 Array
  • Sun Storage Common Array Manager (CAM)
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Storage Software>Modular Disk Device Software


The purpose of this document is to describe how to verify the disk drive model for Sun StorEdge[TM], StorageTek[TM], Sun StorageTek[TM], and Sun Storage[TM] RAID arrays using the management interface provided by Sun StorageTek[TM] Common Array Manager or Sun StorageTek[TM] SANtricity Storage Manager.

Steps to Follow
Please follow the steps below based on whether you are using the graphical interface or command line interface for CAM or SANtricity.
Using the SANtricity GUI:

   1. Start the SANtricity GUI, and double click on the array in question to open the Array Management window.  If your array is unresponsive, or does not show details, please fix this first.  <Document: 1007046.1>   Troubleshooting Sun StorageTek[TM], Sun StorEdge[TM], and Sun Storage[TM] Management Communication Faults with Arrays
   2. Find the drive image for the drive in question, and right-click on it.
   3. Select Properties.
   4. Note the Product ID and Vendor

Using the SMcli:

  1.  List available arrays.  If your array is unresponsive, or does not show details, please fix this first.  <Document: 1007046.1>   Troubleshooting Sun StorageTek[TM], Sun StorEdge[TM], and Sun Storage[TM] Management Communication Faults with Arrays:

       SMcli -d -i

   2. SMcli -n <array> -c "show drive [Tray #,Slot #];"


      SMcli <IP Address> -c "show drive [Tray #,Slot #];"

   3. Note the Product ID and Vendor ID from the output.

Using the CAM BUI:

   1. Open a browser to the CAM host: https://cam_server:6789
   2. Expand Storage Systems menu in the left pane
   3. Expand your array in the left pane.  If your array is unresponsive, or does not show details, please fix this first.  <Document: 1007046.1>   Troubleshooting Sun StorageTek[TM], Sun StorEdge[TM], and Sun Storage[TM] Management Communication Faults with Arrays.
   4. Expand Troubleshooting in the left pane
   5. Click on the FRU link
   6. Click on "Disk"
   7. Click on the affected Disk
   8. Note the Physical ID

The physical ID can be broken down in the following format:


Example: Physical ID: SEAGATE.ST3146954FC.3KN0D9K4000076025X9T

Using the sscs CLI:

   1. List managed arrays:  sscs list array
   2. Run: sscs list -d <array> -s fru Tray.##.Drive.##  
  • If your array is unresponsive, or does not show details, please fix this first.  <Document: 1007046.1>   Troubleshooting Sun StorageTek[TM], Sun StorEdge[TM], and Sun Storage[TM] Management Communication Faults with Arrays
   3. Note the Product Name from the output

      Example: Product Name : SEAGATE ST314655SSUN146G

SANtricity Storage Manager
Sun StorageTek Common Array Manager Software 5.0
Sun StorageTek Common Array Manager Software 5.1
Sun StorageTek Common Array Manager Software 6.0
Sun StorageTek Common Array Manager Software 6.1
Sun StorageTek Common Array Manager Software 6.2
Sun StorageTek Common Array Manager Software 6.4
Sun StorageTek Common Array Manager Software 6.5

Internal Comments
This document contains normalized content and is managed by the the Domain Lead
(s) of the respective domains. To notify content owners of a knowledge gap
contained in this document, and/or prior to updating this document, please
contact the domain engineers that are managing this document via the “Document
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The Knowledge Work Queue for this article is KNO-STO-MIDRANGE_DISK.

cam, disk, model, santricity, seagate, hitachi, fujitsu, sas, fc, sata, normalized

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