Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1021110.1
Update Date:2011-06-07

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1021110.1 :   Sun Storage[TM] 6x80 and 2500-M2 Array Controller 7-Segment Display  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage 2540-M2 Array
  • Sun Storage 6580 Array
  • Sun Storage 6780 Array
  • Sun Storage 2530-M2 Array
  • Sun Storage 6180 Array
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Storage - Disk>Modular Disk - 6xxx Arrays
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Storage - Disk>Modular Disk - 2xxx Arrays

The purpose of this document is to describe how the 7-segment display on the RAID controller module works for a Sun Storage[TM] 6180, 6580 and 6780 arrays.  Additionally, it will describe the codes that can be displayed.

In this Document

Applies to:

Sun Storage 6180 Array
Sun Storage 6580 Array
Sun Storage 6780 Array
Sun Storage 2540-M2 Array - Version: Not Applicable and later    [Release: N/A and later]
Sun Storage 2530-M2 Array - Version: Not Applicable and later    [Release: N/A and later]
All Platforms


Decode array RAID controller's 7-segment display to determine if a problem exists which requires further troubleshooting.

The 7-segment displays on these arrays are dynamic. Under optimal conditions they will display the tray ID, which is 85 for 6180 and 99 for 6580 and 6780 arrays by default. The tray ID is the only display that is static on these array controllers.

On boot, the array controllers will go through a rapid sequence of displays, which indicate the points in the boot up sequence that the controllers are performing. This document is intended to describe the dynamic display pattern, which is repeated if the boot up sequence stops.


Steps to Follow

Review the use cases below to get detail on the codes being shown on the display.

Step 1. Watch the 7-segment display for a repeating pattern.

The display indicates the reason why the boot sequence is stopped, and will be accompanied by an Amber Fault LED next to the display that indicates that the controller is offline as well.

The array will repeat this pattern until the issue is resolved. The pattern that is shown is the first issue that the array discovered on boot. The repeating pattern has the following general format:

category code 1+ dash+ detail code 1+ dash+ 
category code 2+ dash+ detail code 2+ dash+
category code N+ dash+ detail code N+ blank-
  • The display will show a minimum of 2 category/detail codes before repeating.
  • The first code will be either an SE, OS, OE, or dE category code, followed by the detail.
  • A dash is identified by only the middle segment of the display lit.
  • A blank is identified by no segment of the display lit.
  • The "+" sign denotes Diagnostic Light (between the two 7-segment digits) is on. The "-" sign denotes Diagnostic Light is off.
Special notes:
  • The number "5" and the letter "S" look the same in the display.
  • A Start-Up Error (SE) is state produced by power on of the controller, either by insertion or power on of the module
  • An Operational Error (OE) is an state produced after the controller was operational/online, but was placed offline by the subsystem.
  • An Operational State (OS) is a state produced after the controller is online, and typically allows the controller to continue operations in a degraded state with some exceptions.
  • A Diagnostic Error (dE) is a state produced during a diagnostic test of the controller by the subsystem which results in a component fault.
Category Category Codes Detail Codes
Start-Up Error SE
  • 88 - Power on Default
  • dF - Power on diagnostic fault
  • Sx - Power on Validation Error
Operational Error OE
  • L# - Lockdown codes
Operational State OS
  • OL - OffLine
  • bb - operating on batteries
  • CF - Component Failure
Component Failure CF
  • d# - processor/cache DIMM fault(6180 only)
  • C# - data Cache DIMM fault (6580/6780 Only)
  • P# - Processor DIMM fault (6580/6780 Only)
  • H# - Host Card (6580/6780 Only)
  • F# - cache backup device (6580/6780 Only)
Diagnostic Error dE
  • L# - Lockdown codes

Step 2. Compare the pattern to the use cases in Table 1 and any lockdown codes to Table 2.
Table 1: Use Case Patterns
Use Case Repeating Sequence Notes
Normal Operation None The display will show a static display of the tray ID (99 for 6580/6780 and 85 for 6180 trays).
Start Up Errors
Controller Inserted while held in Reset SE+ 88+ blank-
Non-FRU component failure SE+ dF+ blank-
Processor DIMM failure SE+ dF+ dash+ CF+ P#+ blank- "#" indicates the slot that failed or is misconfigured (6580/6780).
Cache memory DIMM failure SE+ dF+ dash+ CF+ C#+ blank- "#" indicates the slot that failed or is misconfigured (6580/6780).
Processor/cache DIMM failure SE+ dF+ dash+ CF+ d#+ blank- "#" indicates the slot that failed or is misconfigured (6180).
Host Interface Card failure SE+ dF+ dash+ CF+ H#+ blank- "#" indicates the slot that failed or is misconfigured (6580/6780).
Cache Backup Device failure SE+ dF+ dash+ CF+ F#+ blank- "#" indicates the slot that failed or is misconfigured (6580/6780).
Operational Error
All lockdown conditions OE+ Lx+ blank- Lockdown codes are listed below, it may call out an additional category code for a component failure.
Persistent processor DIMM ECC errors OE+ L2+ dash+ CF+ P#+ blank- "#" indicates the slot that failed or is misconfigured (6580/6780).
Persistent cache DIMM ECC errors OE+ L2+ dash+ CF+ C#+ blank- "#" indicates the slot that failed or is misconfigured (6580/6780).
Persistent processor/cache DIMM ECC errors OE+ L2+ dash+ CF+ d#+ blank- "#" indicates the slot that failed or is misconfigured (6180).
Write-protect switch set during cache restore OE+ LC+ blank-
Memory size changed with dirty data in flash drives OE+ LC+ dd+ blank-
Operational State
Controller placed in reset while displaying tray ID OS+ OL+ blank-
Controller is operating on batteries (cache backup) OS+ bb+ blank-
Failed host card OS+ CF+ H#+ blank- "#" indicates the slot that failed or is misconfigured (6580/6780).
Failed flash drive OS+ CF+ F#+ blank- "#" indicates the slot that failed or is misconfigured (6580/6780).
Table 2: Controller Lockdown Code Descriptions
L0The controller types are mismatched
L1The interconnect is missing
L2A persistent memory error has occurred.
L3A persistent hardware error has occurred.
L4A persistent data protection error has occurred.
L5The auto-code synchronization (ACS) has failed.
L6Unsupported Host Card Is inserted
L7The sub-model identifier is not set or is mismatched
L8A memory configuration error has occurred.
L9Link speed mismatch
LbHost Card configuration error
LdMixed Cache Memory DIMMs inserted
LCPersistent Cache Backup Device Failure(USB Flash device)
LEUnsupported Cache Memory DIMM sizes
LFLock-down with limited Management access
LHController firmware mismatch
Unable to Access Midplane SBB EEPROM
Canister not valid for controller(wrong model)
Drive port mapping tables not found
LUStart Of Day Boot Limit Exceeded

Table 3: Controller Startup Error Code Descriptions

Checksum failure in EEPROM
SBB Signature/Revision invalid
Unknown Enclosure Type
Power Supply incapable of power controller
SBB Pairing Failed

  • If the display shows the tray ID on solid. The controller is online.
  • If the display shows a repeating pattern, write it down and continue to Step 3.
Step 3. You have verified that you have a fault code on the array, which will require troubleshooting.

Please reference <> : Troubleshooting Sun Storage[TM] RAID Controller Failures.

Internal Comments
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The Knowledge Work Queue for this article is KNO-STO-MIDRANGE_DISK.

6180, 6580, 6780, 7-segment, seven segment, segment, display, led, tray id, id, normalized

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