Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-75-1002929.1
Update Date:2011-05-11

Solution Type  Troubleshooting Sure

Solution  1002929.1 :   Diagnosing LSI RAID boot issues for Sun Fire™ V215/V245, Sun Fire™ V440, Sun Fire™ V445, Sun Fire™ T1000/T2000  

Related Items
  • Sun Fire V245 Server
  • Sun Fire V440 Server
  • Sun Fire T2000 Server
  • Sun Fire V215 Server
  • Sun Fire V445 Server
  • Sun Fire T1000 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>CMT Servers
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>Entry-Level Servers


This document will assist the user in resolving issues, when the default boot drive is a part of a RAID volume on Sun Fire V440[TM], Sun Fire[TM] V215/V245, Sun Fire[TM] V445 and Sun Fire[TM] T1000/T2000.


  1. User is unable to create RAID volume with the default boot drive

  2. The system won't boot off LSI RAID volume

  3. User needs assistance in resolving boot failures

  4. User can't see or boot off a RAID volume, after attempting to migrate RAID volume member disks from one system to another.

Steps to follow:

Please validate that each troubleshooting step below is true for your environment. The steps will provide instructions or a link to a document, for validating the step and taking corrective action as necessary. The steps are ordered in the most appropriate sequence to isolate the issue and identify the proper resolution. Please do not skip a step.

Steps to Follow
Troubleshooting LSI RAID controller

1. Verify that the LSI RAID controller is working properly. Refer to Technical Instruction <Document: 1013116.1> How to verify the LSI RAID controller is functional on Sun Fire  V215/V245, Sun Fire  V440, Sun Fire  V445, and Sun Fire  T1000/T2000 .

2. Verify that proper RAID volume creation and OS installation occurred. Refer to Technical Instruction <Document: 1011575.1> Verifying proper hardware RAID volume creation and OS installation on Sun Fire  V215/V245, Sun Fire  V440, Sun Fire  V445, Sun Fire  T1000/T2000 .

3. Verify that active volume exists. The active volume(s) will be reported by the 'raidctl' command at Solaris level and also by the 'show-volumes' command at OBP level. For details refer to <Document: 1013116.1> . How to verify the LSI RAID controller is functional n Sun Fire  V215/V245, Sun Fire  V440, Sun Fire  V445, and Sun Fire  T1000/T2000 .

Note: After replacement of the RAID controller the existing RAID volume will be deactivated.  As a result the (boot) volume will not be recognized and need to be re-activated. For guidelines on how to prevent loosing or corrupting the volume data in this case, refer to <Document: 1011575.1> (step 2) and the following documents:

  <Document: 1009723.1> Unable to see a pre-existing RAID volume on Sun Fire[TM] T1000/T2000

 <Document: 1007005.1> How to activate a RAID volume on Sun Fire[TM] T1000/T2000, Sun Fire V215 & V245 Servers

4. Verify the boot alias is correct. Make sure that you are you are using the correct device path for the boot volume.  To determine the device boot path for the different servers you may use the OBP, OS commands or explorer output. Refer to <Document: 1013116.1>  (step1) and the following documents:

  <Document: 1007109.1> Support Differences on Internal LSI-RAID controller on SPARC platform <Document: 1005907.1> Solaris[TM] Operating System: Matrix of Recognized Device Paths

5. At this point, if the user has validated that each troubleshooting step above is true for the environment, and the issue still exists, further troubleshooting (and likely reinstall of the OS is required. Gather the needed data from the console logs and by running explorer. For further assistance you may contact MOS .


For more details and assistance with the RAID operations use the links to the product documentation:

Sun Fire V215/V245 Server Administration Guide

Sun Fire V445 Server Administration Guide

Sun Fire T1000 Server Administration Guide

Sun Fire T2000 Server Administration Guide

Sun Fire V445 Server
Sun Fire V440 Server
Sun Fire V245 Server
Sun Fire V215 Server
Sun Fire T2000 Server
Sun Fire T1000 Server

Internal Comments
This document contains normalized content and is managed by the the Domain Lead(s) of the respective domains. To notify content owners of a knowledge gap contained in this document, and/or prior to updating this document, please contact the domain engineers that are managing this document via the "Document Feedback" alias(es) listed below:


normalized, raid volume, lsi, boot, T1000, T2000, V215, V245, V440, V445
Previously Published As

Change History
Date: 2011-05-11
User name: Dencho Kojucharov
Action: Currency check
Comments: audited and updated by Entry-Level SPARC Content Lead
Date: 2009-11-18
User Name: Dencho Kojucharov
Action: Updated
Comment: Currency check, audited by Dencho Kojucharov, Entry-Level SPARC Content Lead
Version: 3

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