Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-75-1005601.1
Update Date:2010-08-26

Solution Type  Troubleshooting Sure

Solution  1005601.1 :   Validating Sun StorEdge[TM] 6920 Remote Replication details and state  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage 6920 System
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Storage - Disk>Modular Disk - 6xxx Arrays


This document provides the basic steps to review remote replication state, configuration, and settings information using the Browser or SSCS user interfaces. Use this document if:
  • Remote replication volumes are not listed in the UI
  • Remote replication volumes are missing information
  • Replication sets are not listed in the UI
  • Replication sets are missing information
  • Syntax/Usage is needed to get remote replication volume state/details
  • Syntax/Usage is needed to get replication sets state/details

For basic administrative tasks on the Sun StorEdge[TM] 6920 System, please reference

Steps to Follow

A. Validate Replication set and Volume Summary

Only the volume type will change, to replicated, when a volume is used for replication. Refer to <Document: 1009974.1>  Sun StorEdge[TM] 6920 System: Validating Volume State and Details for volume information.

The basic usage for listing all of the replication sets can be gotten by:


sscs list repset

  • Replication Set
  • Local Volume
  • Storage Domain
  • Consistency Group

Note that only replication sets that are part of the storage domain specified will be listed. If no domain option is specified, the domain DEFAULT is assumed.


  1. Click Common Array Manager or Configuration Service link
  2. Click Logical Storage
  3. Click Replication Sets

This will display:

  • Replication Set name
  • Consistency Group
  • Mode
  • Role
  • Replication Peer WWN
  • Remote Volume WWN
  • Replication Progress(Suspended,Replicating,Synching)

For a more detailed view of a replication sets continue to Step B.. For other volume types, return to the table in Step 2 of <Document: 1009915.1> Troubleshooting Sun StorEdge[TM] 6920 Configuration Problems

If a replication set cannot be seen, or has a condition other than OK go to Step C.

B. Validating Replication Set Details

This step details collection for Replication sets


sscs list repset <repset_name>

Note that only repsets that are part of the storage domain specified will be listed. If no domain option is specified, the domain DEFAULT is assumed.

This will display the following field information:

  • Replication Set name
  • WWN
  • Local Volume name
  • Storage Domain
  • Replication Peer WWN
  • Remote Volume WWN
  • Mode (Synchronous or Asynchronous)
  • Consistency Group
  • Replication Progress(Suspended,Replicating,Synching)
  • Replication Priority
  • Auto-Synchronize
  • Role (Prinmary or Secondary)
  • When Secondary
  • Snap Before Synchronization
  • Snap With Primary
  • Bitmap Storage Pool
  • Bitmap Size


  1. Click Common Array Manager or Configuration Service link
  2. Click Logical Storage
  3. Click Replication Sets
  4. Click on a Replication Set Name

This will display 3 sections:


  • Name
  • Local Volume
  • Replication Peer WWN
  • Remote Volume WWN
  • Replication Set WWN
  • Consistency Group
  • Mode
  • Replication Progress(Suspended,Replicating,Synching)
  • Replication Priority:
  • Autosynchronize:

Role Properties

  • Role
  • Snap before Synchronization
  • Snap with Primary

Replication Bitmap

  • Storage Pool
  • Size

NOTE: Replication Progress of Suspended, Replicating, or Synching are all normal states. Suspended means no real-time data is being transmitted. Replicating means that data is being transmitted in real-time. Syncing means that data is being transmitted in real-time, but is also being silvered.

Consider the following actions:

  • If you are missing information in the detailed information go to Step C
  • If the Replication Sets details are correct, you have validated the Replication Sets Details, return to Step 2 of <Document: 1009915.1> Troubleshooting Sun StorEdge[TM] 6920 Configuration Problems

C. Data Collection for Missing or Incorrect Replication Sets Information

Please Collect the following information from both the primary and secondary arrays:

  • 6920 Solution Extract, Reference <Document: 1003756.1> : How to collect an extractor from a Sun StorEdge[TM] 6920 (2.x and 3.x)
  • sscs list pool
  • sscs list volume
  • sscs list volume <volume name> - showing details for replicated volumes that are part of the repset
  • sscs list repset
  • sscs list repset <repset name> - showing repset detail(or lack)
  • Screen capture of BUI screen showing repset detail(or lack)

And contact Sun Support

Sun StorageTek 6920 System
Sun StorageTek 6920 Maintenance Update 2
Sun StorageTek 6920 Maintenance Update 1

Internal Comments
Validate service and perform health check of array:

This document contains normalized content and is managed by the the Domain Lead(s) of the respective domains. To notify content owners of a knowledge gap contained in this document, and/or prior to updating this document, please contact the domain engineers that are managing this document via the “Document Feedback” alias(es) listed below:

The Knowledge Work Queue for this article is KNO-STO-MIDRANGE_DISK.

Sun Support

D. Validate that services are running properly on the SP

Reference <Document: 1007129.1> : Validating Services on a Sun StorEdge 6920 Service Processor

E. Perform health check of array

Reference <Document: 1005447.1> : Sun StorEdge[TM] 6920 Health Checklist

F. Escalate

Provide the following:

  • Description of what is not being displayed properly

  • Results of Step D.

  • Results of Step E.

  • Location of everything in Step C

6920, remote replication volume, details, sscs, BUI, size, list, normalized, remote, replication, sets, audited
Previously Published As

Change History
Date: 2007-09-24
User Name: 71396
Action: Approved
Comment: Performed final review of article.
No changes required.
Version: 3
Date: 2007-09-24
User Name: 71396
Action: Accept
Version: 0

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