Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-75-1008188.1
Update Date:2011-06-06

Solution Type  Troubleshooting Sure

Solution  1008188.1 :   Troubleshooting Sun StorEdge[TM] 33x0/351x Battery Problems  

Related Items
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  • Sun Storage 3310 Array
  • Sun Storage 3511 SATA Array
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Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Storage - Disk>Modular Disk - 3xxx Arrays

Troubleshooting Battery Problems.

Applies to:

Sun Storage 3310 Array
Sun Storage 3320 SCSI Array
Sun Storage 3510 FC Array
Sun Storage 3511 SATA Array
All Platforms



The steps below will help verify and resolve battery problems.

NOTE: This is a sub-set of : "Troubleshooting Sun StorEdge[TM] 33x0/351x Hardware".


-Failed or absent battery

-Not fully charged battery

-Expired or expiring battery

-BBU Failures

-Battery not charging or Bad

Last Review Date

June 6, 2011

Instructions for the Reader

A Troubleshooting Guide is provided to assist in debugging a specific issue. When possible, diagnostic tools are included in the document to assist in troubleshooting.

Troubleshooting Details

Steps to Follow:

  1. Verify the battery hardware status  is OK  by either using the sccli> show battery - status   command and show>peripheral device-status, or follow the steps in "Battery Status on the Initial Firmware Screen" in the "Sun StorEdge 3000 Family FRU Installation Guide".

    Example for 3510:

    sccli>show battery-status

    sccli: selected device /dev/es/ses22 [SUN StorEdge 3511 SN#006975]
    Upper Battery Type: 1
    Upper Battery Manufacturing Date: Thu Mar 31 00:00:00 2005
    Upper Battery Placed In Service: Thu Jul 14 08:08:42 2005
    Upper Battery Expiration Date: Sat Jul 14 08:08:42 2007
    Upper Battery Expiration Status: OK
     Lower Battery Type: 1
    Lower Battery Manufacturing Date: Wed Jun 16 00:00:00 2004
    Lower Battery Placed In Service: Tue Jun 21 16:35:39 2005
    Lower Battery Expiration Date:    Sat Jun 16 06:00:00 2007
    Lower Battery Expiration Status: OK
    Upper Battery Hardware Status: OK
    Lower Battery Hardware Status: OK

    Example for 3310:

    sccli> show peripheral device-status

    Item Value status
    CPU Temp Sensor(primary) 96.00C over upper threshold
    Board1 Temp Sensor(primary) 77.50C within safety range
    Board2 Temp Sensor(primary)         67.00C    within safety range
    +3.3V Value(primary) 3.336V within safety range
    +5V Value(primary) 5.153V within safety range
    +12V Value(primary) 12.320V within safety range
    Battery-Backup Battery(primary) --

    CPU Temp Sensor(secondary) 84.00C within safety range
    Board1 Temp Sensor(secondary) 78.50C within safety range
    Board2 Temp Sensor(secondary) 70.00C within safety range
    +3.3V Value(secondary) 3.336V within safety range
    +5V Value(secondary) 5.153V within safety range
    +12V Value(secondary) 12.260V within safety range
    Battery-Backup Battery(secondary) --

  2. .Verify the battery LED status is green (fully charged) or blinking green (indicates charging).

  3. Note - The batteries in controller FRUs experience discharge during shipment and might require an extended charging cycle upon initial power-up. Nominal battery operation is achieved when the battery status LED changes from amber to flashing green within 25 minutes after the initial power cycle. If the battery status LED remains amber for more than 25 minutes after the initial power-up, then the unit must be power cycled to initiate the extended charging cycle. If the battery status LED remains amber for more than 30 minutes after initiating the extended charging cycle, contact Oracle support services for additional instructions.
  4. Verify the battery FRU status is OK by issuing the sccli> show fru command and examining the output for the battery module.

    Example for 3510:

    sccli>show fru

    Description: BATTERY 2U, FC/SATA
    Part Number: 370-6799
    Serial Number: GJ02OB
    Revision: 01
    Initial Hardware Dash Level: 01
    FRU Shortname: FC/SATA Bat
    Manufacturing Date: Wed Apr 27 21:35:53 2005
    Manufacturing Location: Milpitas,CA,USA
    Manufacturer JEDEC ID: 0x0301
    Chassis Serial Number: 00660F
    FRU Status: OK

    sccli>show battery-status

    Description: SE3510 Hot Swap Battery Module
    Part Number: 370-5545
    Serial Number: 008776
    Revision: 01
    Initial Hardware Dash Level: 01
    FRU Shortname: 370-5545-01
    Manufacturing Date: Fri Oct 3 23:08:57 2003
    Manufacturing Location: Milpitas,CA,USA
    Manufacturer JEDEC ID: 0x0301
    Chassis Serial Number: 004B6D

    FRU Status: Expired

  5. Verify normal frequency and completion of battery charging  in the eventlog or persistent eventlog by issuing the sccli> show events or sccli>show persistent - event command.

    Example for 3510:

    sccli> show events

    Tue Sep  5 08:54:15 2006
    [Primary] Notification
    Controller BBU is Charging !
    Tue Sep 5 08:54:19 2006
    [Primary] Notification
    NOTICE: Controller BBU Fully Charged !
    Tue Sep 5 08:55:08 2006
    [Secondary]     Notification
    NOTICE: Controller BBU Fully Charged !

    -For irregular battery charging events, refer to    : "Sun StorEdge [TM] 351x Array: Irregular Battery Charging Cycles".

    -For battery not fully charged events, refer to    : "Sun StorEdge[TM] 3000 Arrays: Battery Not Fully Charged".

    -For " BBU Thermal Shutdown " messages review the "Battery Operation" section in the  Sun StorEdge 3000 Family FRU Installation Guide and ensure temperatures are within  normal range.

    -For battery failures shortly after upgrading to 4.1x from 3.2x on SE351x, review CR: 6286138 "Primary & secondary RAID controller batteries fault after 4.11 upgrade".

  6.  Verify battery expiration status:

    -For 33x0, refer to : "Sun StorEdge[TM] Battery Life Cycle".

    -For 351x,  verify battery has not expired and that  battery status is OK by issuing the sccli>show battery-status command. Refer to : "Sun StorEdge[TM] 351x  Array: Battery Expiration and Status Monitoring" for more details.

    -For battery expiring events immediately after replacement on the 351x, refer to: "Refreshing the Battery Status With Sun StorEdge Configuration Service" in the  Sun StorEdge 3000 Family FRU Installation Guide.

    Example for 3510:

    sccli> show battery-status

    Upper Battery Type: 1
    Upper Battery Manufacturing Date: Fri Oct 17 15:59:08 2003
    Upper Battery Placed In Service: Fri Oct 17 15:59:08 2003
    Upper Battery Expiration Date: Sun Oct 16 15:59:08 2005
    Upper Battery Status: OK

     Lower Battery Type: 1
    Lower Battery Manufacturing Date: Fri Oct 17 19:29:20 2003
    Lower Battery Placed In Service: Fri Oct 17 19:29:20 2003
    Lower Battery Expiration Date: Sun Oct 6 19:29:20 2004
    Lower Battery Status: Expired

  7.  Ensure there are no false battery failure messages. Refer to   "Sun StorEdge[TM] 351x/33x0 Arrays: Mute Button held during reset of array will cause false battery failure messages".

  8. Ensure controller over temperature condition is not causing battery charging to shutoff  and battery status to be reported as BAD .  Use  the   sccli> show peripheral device-status command to verify the temperature sensor values are within safety range. Refer to section 4.1 Battery Operations in the Sun StorEdge[TM] 3000 Family FRU Installation Guide for details.

  9.   Replace battery for the following conditions:

    -Battery hardware status is BAD or Missing and there are no other hardware components reporting the same status

    -For 351x, Battery status is Expired or Warning (will expire within 21 days)

    -For 33x0, Battery lifecycle is expired

    -Battery LED is solid amber (after battery module reseat has failed) indicating

    battery is bad or missing

    -Battery charge cycle events occur too frequently

    -Battery 'fully charged' message is absent in the eventlogs

    For details on battery replacement refer to: "Replacing a Battery or Battery Module" in the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family FRU Installation Guide for replacement instructions. Additionally, refer to : "Battery replacement procedure for the Sun StorEdge[TM] 3310SCSI/3510FC/3511FC Arrays" and : "Replacing a battery on a Sun StorEdge[TM] 33x0".

  10.  For 351x,  after battery replacement:

    -Set the in-service date  by following the steps in:"FC Battery Status and In-Service Date Procedures" in the  Sun StorEdge 3000 Family FRU Installation Guide

    -Rescan the battery in the Sun StorEdge Configuration Service: "Refreshing the Battery Status With Sun StorEdge Configuration Service" in the  Sun StorEdge 3000 Family FRU Installation Guide.

  11. If battery problems persist after replacement or additional hardware components are faulted or missing refer to the Technical Instruction : "Troubleshooting Sun StorEdge[TM]  33x0/351x Hardware".

Change History
Date: 2009-12-23
User Name:
Action: Currency & Update
Date: 2007-09-10
User Name: 7058
Action: Approved
Comment: Fixed 1 broken link.
Version: 9
Comment: Cleared up double-spacing and weird formatting of this doc.
The entire doc appeared in italics. Corrected. Preformatted text properly displayed.
All links validated.
Ready to publish.

Comment: Holding this doc in my draft queue until the Normalization doc interdependency issue is resolved. Andy is working on this issue now.

This solution has no attachment
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