Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-75-1008403.1
Update Date:2011-03-17

Solution Type  Troubleshooting Sure

Solution  1008403.1 :   Analyzing "System not contactable" on Sun Fire [TM] X4100/X4200/X4600/X4100 M2/X4200 M2/X4600 M2 Systems  

Related Items
  • Sun Fire X4200 M2 Server
  • Sun Fire X4600 Server
  • Sun Fire X4100 Server
  • Sun Fire X4100 M2 Server
  • Sun Fire X4200 Server
  • Sun Fire X4600 M2 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>x64 Servers


Document description

This document addresses problems whilst trying to connect to the above servers, both via the ILOM and by telnet/ssh/rsh into the system via ethernet.

Since all the above systems use the ILOM interface, troubleshooting connectivity problems is very similar. Any exceptions will be clearly outlined in the body of the text.

- system/server just hangs
- system/server freezes
- system/server won't respond
- no console response
- console dead

Please validate that each troubleshooting step below is true for your environment. The steps will provide instructions or a link to a document, for validating the step and taking corrective action as necessary. The steps are ordered in the most appropriate sequence to isolate the issue and identify the proper resolution. Please do not skip a step.

Available Documentation:

The latest documentation on the Sun Fire X4100/X4200/X4600/X4100 M2/X4200 M2/X4600 M2 servers can be found at the following location:

This troubleshooting guide makes reference to several of these documents.

Steps to Follow
Steps to follow

Step 1. Verify system power

This is maybe an obvious step, and very easy to do if you are stood next to the platform - not as easy if the platform is remote.

The Documentation in the following links provides details what things should be checked and how to do so using the different platform management tools.

Refer to <Document: 1002926.1> "How to check if the platform is powered on, on Sun Fire X4100 / X4100 M2 / X4200 / X4200 M2 / X4600 / X4600 M2 Servers"

If after you have checked for power and find that the system is powered off refer to the following Document, which explains how and what to check if your system is found to be powered off or will not power-on when checked.

Refer to <Document: 1002941.1> "How to check why the is system powered off, on Sun Fire X4100 / X4100 M2 / X4200 / X4200 M2 / X4600 / X4600 M2 Servers"

When the system is still powered off or you find any indicator for issues which causes the system to be powered of, please log the data as described in the document and proceed with step 6 in this document to contact Oracle Support.

If you checked and the system has Power, please go to the next step.

Step 2. Verify SP connectivity

Be clear about how you are trying to contact your server.

If you are trying to connect via ILOM, refer to the ILOM Administration Guide applicable to your platform, available at:

If you are trying to contact the server via the platform network, go to step 4

NOTE: If after checking your SP connectivity you still have a problem, contact Oracle Support. as outlined in step 4 below

Step 3. Check for any errors on the system

Please refer to <Document: 1008409.1> "How to verify platform health on an X4100/X4200/X4600/X4100 M2/X4200 M2/X4600 M2 Systems" for assistance on verifying your platform health

Step 4. Verify network connectivity

The commands to follow to check your network are outlined in the following document:

<Document: 1005533.1> "How to verify network connectivity on an x64 platform"

Step 5. Check your platform has not hung

If all the above check out, your platform may be hung (although if you can run the commands in Step 4, you can't be hung...)

Here are some documents which will be helpful if you are still unsure about whether you have hung:

  • <Document: 1008401.1> "Handling "System hangs" on an x64 Solaris System"

  • <Document: 1007053.1> "Analyzing System hangs on x64 Linux systems"

  • <Document: 1017776.1> "What to do on "System hangs" on an x64 Windows Systems"

Step 6. Raise a Service Request

At this point, if you have validated that each troubleshooting step above is true for your environment, and the issue still exists, further troubleshooting is required. For additional support contact Oracle Support.

NOTE: Since you can't contact your server, the amount of data you can gather is limited. For example, if you are running Solaris, you will not be able to complete an explorer data capture. However, in the event you can get the data (maybe you have problems contacting on one ethernet port only), the link below will show you how.

The following link references support documents assists in the gathering of information from your platform:

  • <Document: 1018748.1> "How to Run Sun[TM] Explorer and Forward the Data to a Sun Engineer".

A full description of the Sun Explorer package and release notes are available on Technical Instruction <Document: 1002383.1>

  • <Document: 1010057.1> "How to gather information on SuSE Linux Enterprise"

  • <Document: 1010058.1> "How to gather information on Red Hat Enterprise Linux"

Internal Comments
At this point, if the customer has validated that each troubleshooting step above is true for their environment, and the issue still exists, escalate to your Sun escalation path.
This document contains normalized content and is managed by the the Domain Lead(s) of the respective domains. To notify content owners of a knowledge gap contained in this document, and/or prior to updating this document, please contact the domain engineers that are managing this document via the Document Feedback alias(es) listed below:
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x64, normalized, X4100, X4200, X4600, M2
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Change History
Date: 2007-12-28
User Name: 31620
Action: Approved
Comment: Published using interim normalization rules supplied by the Normalization Program Team: (circa mid-December 2007)
o Content visibility is appropriate
o The External links that had been set up were in the proper format, but 3 links were missing completely. Added STM links to 91595, 91594and 91593

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