Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-75-1012423.1
Update Date:2010-08-25

Solution Type  Troubleshooting Sure

Solution  1012423.1 :   Sun StorEdge [TM] L25/L100 Tape Library: I added a new tape drive, why can't I use it?  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage L100 Tape Library
  • Sun Storage L25 Tape Library
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Storage - Tape>Libraries - L-Series


Applies to:

Sun Storage L100 Tape Library
Sun Storage L25 Tape Library
All Platforms


Customer added another tape drive to an L25/L100, but Solstice Backup fails to add the drive to the backup configuration.

Likely error message...

"this robot can only be configured for 4 drives"

Last Review Date

August 25, 2010

Instructions for the Reader

A Troubleshooting Guide is provided to assist in debugging a specific issue. When possible, diagnostic tools are included in the document to assist in troubleshooting.

Troubleshooting Details

Steps to Follow
The operating system can see the tape drive.

/dev/rmt has been built.
SBU's/EBS's inquire command can see the tape drive.
probe-scsi-all can see the tape drive.
iostat -En can not see the tape drive.
SBU's/EBS's sjirdp scsidev@b.t.l only shows 4 DATA TRANSPORT Elements (tape drives) (this output is what SBU/EBS uses to configure the jukebox into the software, if sji commands can only communicate with 4 drives, then the library needs to be told it has another tape drive)

Problem basically is the tape drive has not been configured into the library from either the front panel or via the Prism Management board. This has to be done before the system can use the new tape drive.

Reference the L25/L100 install guide that came with the library. If the guide is not available, an electronic copy can be found here...

Here you will find two pdf files, one is the users guide and the other is the install guide. In the users guide, chapter 3, page 69, will take you through the process of making changes to the library, ie. adding or removing a tape drive.
The install guide, page 39, shows the process of disabling a tape drive, the this is the same process you would use to enable/add a tape drive.

Adding/disabling/enabling a tape drive can also be accomplished using the Prism Management board/interface card. This is a web enabled interface to the library itself. (if it was purchased with the library) The PMC has an ip address that  the customer supplied, and should be accessed like this from a browser...

http:// ie.

There you will see the Prism gui, on the left you will see some menu picks, pick ALERT-Library Management, there you will see more picks, ie.
(Note: you will be asked for a user name and password)

       Library Status
Library Configuration
Library Statistics
Service Operations
Monitoring Configuration
Event History

Pick Library Configuration, then you will see ...
Device Location Interface BUS ID New BUS ID

Library N/A SCSI 0
Drive 1 Frame 1-Level 1 SCSI 1
Drive 2 (Unfitted) SCSI Disabled

There will be some pull downs available for the BUS ID and the New BUS ID pull downs. From here you can change the scsi id of a tape drive or robot and change/add a tape drive.

Click "Apply" to save the changes you wish to make. Then reboot the library from the PMC card and you will be ready to go. Make the changes to your backup software and you should be done.

This can all be found in the reference manual that came with the PMC card, or please contact Sun for an electronic pdf copy. This process is found on page 35 and is very detailed with illustrations and examples.

Sun StorageTek L25 Tape Library
Sun StorageTek L100 Tape Library

Internal Comments
Internally, please go to ...

And click on the appropriate manuals, including the

PMC300 user docs. This is the Prism Management Card documents

to use the PMC300 card in the L25/L100 library.

This document about the PMC card, is not available outside of our internal

webpages. You will have to download this manual for your customer should they

not have a copy on-site. This document is available at the below website...


SBU, EBS, NBU, Solstice Backup, Net Backup, Veritas, Legato, L25, L100, L25/L100, PMC, Prism Management Card

Previously Published As 79458

Change History
Unarchived 01/12/10 by Joey Sobeck, requested by Glen Foley
Date: 2005-04-21
User Name: 7058
Action: Approved
Comment: Doc OK as is. Updated link OK.

This solution has no attachment
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