Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-75-1012883.1
Update Date:2010-08-26

Solution Type  Troubleshooting Sure

Solution  1012883.1 :   Troubleshooting Sun StorEdge 6920[TM] Browser and sscs(1M) Access Problems  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage 6920 System
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Storage - Disk>Modular Disk - 6xxx Arrays


The purpose of this document is to resolve issues specific to logging into the Sun StorEdge[TM] 6920 user interface either via a web browser(BUI) or sscs command line. In order to provide you the most accurate fix, we need you to validate each step in the order referenced. The steps are ordered in the most appropriate sequence. In order to isolate the issue and provide the correct resolution, please do not skip a step

Steps to Follow
Troubleshooting Sun StorEdge 6920[TM] Browser and sscs(1M) Access Problems

Before You Begin

  • If you are using a browser, start at the Browser Section
  • If you are using sscs, start at the SSCS Section

Browser Access Problems

Note: Supported Browser types, and minimum versions are documented in the Release Notes for the 6920.

A. Use 6920 name for URL

  • Point Browser to https://my6920:6789, and accept the certificate.
  • If this fails to show the Sun Java(TM) Web Console login screen, go to Step B. Otherwise go to Step H.

B. Use the IP address of the SP as part of the URL

  • Point Browser to https://<IP of 6920>:6789, and accept the certificate.
  • If this fails to show the Sun Java(TM) Web Console login screen, go to Step C.
  • If this works, you, likely have a name resolution issue for the Service Processor(SP) and the host you are accessing from. Review the 6920 Network settings under the Administration->General Tab of the 6920 Configuration Services. Go to Step H.

C. Ping the SP

  • From your host running your browser attempt to ping the IP address of the Service Processor.
  • If this fails, go to Step D. Otherwise, go to Step F

D. Check Cable Connection from local LAN to patch panel User LAN port

  1. Check the cable from your local LAN to the patch panel, and make sure it's connected to the User Lan port. See Getting Started Guide Chapter 2
  2. Open Patch Panel, and check that the cable going from the the User LAN port to the Service Processor Accessory Tray (SPAT) USER LAN port is securely connected.
  3. Check that link light on the SPA Tray labeled User LAN/WAN is lit
  4. Check that the SP is powered on, and the link lights on the SP Network Connections are lit
  • If all cables are seated and link LEDs are lit, continue to Step E.
  • If an LED is out, go to Step I

E. Check User LAN speed

The User LAN/WAN connection is only capable of a 10Mbps Half Duplex connection. Best practice is to set the connection to auto-negotiate. Check the link rate on this segment from your network switch/router/hub. continue to Step F.

F. Boot the SP

At this point it is necessary to power cycle the Service Processor. This will not cause a loss of data access to the array. Simply press and hold the On/Standby switch(can be on the front or rear of the SP depending on v100/v210 model server) to power off the SP. Press button again to power on. Wait at least 10-15 minutes, and repeat Steps A through C. If this fails, continue to Step G.

G. Try putting the browser host on the User LAN.

  • If possible, try to put the host attempting to get browser access on the same LAN as the User LAN, and repeat Steps A through C
  • If this is not possible, or if this fails, continue to Step I

H. Login to the Sun Java(TM) Web Console

Enter a supported user name and password. Information on users, user roles, and passwords can be found in the Getting Started Guide Chapter 3. User names can ONLY be storage, admin, or guest.

  • If login fails using a supported user name, using a changed or default password, continue to Step I.

I. Contact Sun Support

It appears that you cannot log into the array either due to a password problem, or the inability to get a login screen on the 6920 Service Processor. Please contact Sun Support and provide the following information:

  • Whether you get a login screen
  • Which of the array user ID's succeed and fail
  • Whether Sun Storage Remote Response is activated
  • If any link LEDs from step D are not lit
  • If power is not being supplied to the Service Processor(SP) or the SP Accessory Tray(SPAT).
  • If you have attempted to boot the SP as recommended in Step F
  • Browser Name and revision


A. Login using the qualified array name

Usage: /opt/se6x20/cli/bin/sscs login -h qualified.arrayname

B. Login using the ip address

Usage: /opt/se6x20/cli/bin/sscs login -h IP.of.SP

C. Ping SP

D. Check Cable Connection from local LAN to patch panel User LAN port

  1. Check the cable from your local LAN to the patch panel, and make sure it's connected to the User Lan port. See Getting Started Guide Chapter 2
  2. Open Patch Panel, and check that the cable going from the the User LAN port to the Service Processor Accessory Tray (SPAT) USER LAN port is securely connected.
  3. Check that link light on the SPA Tray labeled User LAN/WAN is lit
  4. Check that the SP is powered on, and the link lights on the SP Network Connections are lit
  • If all cables are seated and link LEDs are lit, continue to Step E.
  • If an LED is out, go to Step I

E. Check User LAN speed

The User LAN/WAN connection is only capable of a 10Mbps Half Duplex connection. Best practice is to set the connection to auto-negotiate. Check the link rate on this segment from your network switch/router/hub. continue to Step F.

F. Boot the SP

At this point it is necessary to power cycle the Service Processor. This will not cause a loss of data access to the array. Simply press and hold the On/Standby switch(can be on the front or rear of the SP depending on v100/v210 model server) to power off the SP. Press button again to power on. Wait at least 10-15 minutes, and repeat Steps A through C. If this fails, continue to Step G.

G. Try putting the browser host on the User LAN.

  • If possible, try to put the host attempting to get browser access on the same LAN as the User LAN, and repeat Steps A through C
  • If this is not possible, or if this fails, continue to Step I

H. Login to the Sun Java(TM) Web Console

Enter a supported user name and password. Information on users, user roles, and passwords can be found in the Getting Started Guide Chapter 3. User names can ONLY be storage, admin, or guest.

  • If login fails using a supported user name, using a changed or default password, continue to Step I.

I. Contact Sun Support

It appears that you cannot log into the array either due to a password problem, or the inability to get a login prompt on the 6920 Service Processor. Please contact Sun Support and provide the following information:

  • Whether you get a login prompt
  • Which of the array user ID's succeed and fail
  • Whether Sun Storage Remote Response is activated
  • If any link LEDs from step D are not lit
  • If you have attempted to boot the SP as recommended in Step F
  • Browser Name and revision

Sun StorageTek 6920 System
Sun StorageTek 6920 Maintenance Update 2
Sun StorageTek 6920 Maintenance Update 1

Internal Comments
Troubleshooting Sun StorEdge 6920[TM] Browser and sscs(1M) Access Problems

This document contains normalized content and is managed by the the Domain Lead(s) of the respective domains. To notify content owners of a knowledge gap contained in this document, and/or prior to updating this document, please contact the domain engineers that are managing this document via the “Document Feedback” alias(es) listed below:

The Knowledge Work Queue for this article is KNO-STO-MIDRANGE_DISK.

Sun Support

Troubleshooting sscs and BUI login issues are identical, and mainly require console access to the Service Processor using either a serial connection to the patch panel, or by using SSRR access. LED status will need to be physically checked by customer or onsite engineer.

J. Login Screen/Prompt Appears, but user cannot log in as admin, storage, or guest

Refer to document <Document: 1002709.1> : Sun StorEdge[TM] 6320/6920: Resetting User Passwords to Defaults

K. Verify NTC, SP, and Firewall Access

Refer to  <Document: 1008008.1> . Validating User LAN Port Connection for Sun StorEdge [TM] 6320/6920

L. Check Services on SP

Refer to <Document: 1007129.1> .  Validating Services on a Sun StorEdge[TM] 6320/6920 Service Processor

M. Check User LAN network ports and configuration

Refer to: <Document: 1013005.1> .  Validating User LAN Configuration on the SP of the Sun StorEdge[TM] 6320/6920

N. Escalate

Escalate the call to the next level of support with the following information:

  • List of all steps validated above, and where a validation fails in the step.

  • Whether a login prompt is given

  • Whether login fails/succeeds for a specified user

  • Any components replaced as a result of this troubleshooting procedure

6920, login, BUI, sscs, Normalized, Audited
Previously Published As

Change History
emailed Author Curtis Decotis 7/11/08
Hi Curtis,

I am working to publish this article but I have run into a problem with
solution 29825 in Internal Comments under L. Check Services on SP. 
Looks like it is missing a number!  If you can have this fixed as soon
as you can it would be appreciated so that we may have this article
published.  The article has been put back in Technical Review and you
should be able to pick it up there. Let me know if there is anyway I
can help.  Thank you

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