Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-75-1013110.1
Update Date:2011-06-01

Solution Type  Troubleshooting Sure

Solution  1013110.1 :   Establishing connection to the Remote System Control (RSC) SunFire[TM] V280r, SunFire[TM] V480, SunFire[TM] V490, SunFire[TM] V880z, SunFire[TM] V880, and SunFire[TM] V890  

Related Items
  • Sun Fire V480 Server
  • Sun Fire 280R Server
  • Sun Fire V880z Visualization Server
  • Sun Fire V890 Server
  • Sun Fire V880 Server
  • Sun Fire V490 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>Entry-Level Servers


This document is intended to help figure out connection problems to an RSC card.

This could be unable to ping the card. Unable to login to the card. Or the RSC not responding.

Steps to Follow
Troubleshooting Steps for RSC Software

Check items in order.

  1. Verify RSC is configured and current. This meas make sure the RSC software has been loaded onto the system. It has been configured for use. See <Document: 1011569.1> How To Verify Reomte System Controller(RSC) is Configured and Current. Be sure if you are setting the card up for a network connection that the correct IP address, netmask, and gateway have been assigned. If you do not know what these values should be, be sure to ask your network administrator.

  1. Confirm password is correct. If you are unsure the password is correct or unable to login it might be best to create a new user or give a user a new password. See <Document: 1002927.1> How to Create or Change a Password on the Sun[TM] Remote System Control (RSC) card.   

  2. Verify still cannot get to the console after re-seating the RSC card. <Document: 1005513.1> How to Re-seat or Replace the Remote System Controller (RSC/SC) Card. 

  3. Verify still cannot get to the console after replacing the RSC card. <Document: 1005513.1> How to Re-seat or Replace the Remote System Controller (RSC/SC) Card.  

  4. At this point, if you have validated that each troubleshooting step above is true for your environment, and the issue still exists, further troubleshooting is required. Gather explorer data collector from the system. Then contact My Oracle Support for additional support.

Sun Fire V880 Server
Sun Fire V890 Server
Sun Fire V880z Visualization Server
Sun Fire V490 Server
Sun Fire V480 Server
Sun Fire 280R Server

Internal Comments
Audited/updated 11/19/09 - Ian.Macdonald@Sun.COM, Entry Level SPARC Content Team Member

This document contains normalized content and is managed by the the
Domain Lead(s) of the respective domains. To notify content owners of a
knowledge gap contained in this document, and/or prior to updating this
document, please contact the domain engineers that are managing this
document via the "Document Feedback" alias(es) listed below:

Normalization Lead: Jim Robbins

Domain Engineer/Lead : Josh Freeman

Document feedback alias :

Normalized, RSC, connection
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Change History
Date: 2011-06-02
User name: Dencho Kojucharov
Action: Currency check
Comments: audited by Entry-Level SPARC Content Lead
Normalization of the Article has been checked
Date: 2007-12-24
User Name: 71396
Action: Approved
Comment: Performed final review of article
Updated trademarking.
Checked Normalization

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