Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-75-1013114.1
Update Date:2011-04-26

Solution Type  Troubleshooting Sure

Solution  1013114.1 :   Diagnosing I/O errors for failing device on Sun SPARC Systems  

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Verifying errors for failing drives

Most of the I/O errors for failing drives on the Sun Fire[TM] servers are related to a disk problem and not to disk backplane or cables. This document will help the user to identify a failing device based on errors reported in format output, 'iostat -E' and /var/adm/messages. The provided information doesn't applies to systems using hardware raid volumes, as in such systems, 'format' will not show disks that are part of a raid volume. For issues with raid volumes refer to <Document: 1002929.1> Diagnosing LSI RAID boot issues for Sun Fire[TM] V215/V245, Sun Fire[TM] V440, Sun Fire[TM] V445, Sun Fire[TM] T1000/T2000.


  • Failed device, failed drive

  • User is getting high number of I/O errors

  • Getting drive errors in /var/adm/messages

Steps to follow:

Please validate that each troubleshooting step below is true for your environment. The steps will provide instructions or a link to a document, for validating the step and taking corrective action as necessary. The steps are ordered in the most appropriate sequence to isolate the issue and identify the proper resolution. Please do not skip a step.

Steps to Follow
How to verify the I/O errors for failing device
  1. Verify format does not show 'drive type unknown'. If it is, this will be a sign that format is seeing a device problem. Refer to <Document: 1005520.1> How to verify the I/O errors for failing device on Sun SPARC Systems.

  2. Verify /var/adm/messages are consistent with iostat messages and that the iostat errors aren't bogus. Refer to <Document: 1005520.1> How to verify the I/O errors for failing device on Sun SPARC Systems.

  3. Verify the number of iostat errors requires disk replacement. A non-zero count in 'iostat -E' output does not necessarily mean an error event on a device. Some specific conditions of the target device, can cause non-zero values in iostat. Refer to the following documents for more details:

    <Document: 1017741.1>  Solaris Operating System: High Hard Error value in iostat -E output
    <Document: 1005520.1>  How to verify the I/O errors for failing device on Sun SPARC Systems

  4. Verify the FRU part number  is valid for the disk device being replaced   verify the correct disk drive part number for each server in the Sun System Handbook. 

    For the proper drive replacement procedures refer to the appropriate Service Manuals.

    As an additional reference you may also use <Document: 1007367.1>
    Removing and Replacing the Sun Fire[TM] 280R, Sun Fire[TM] V480, Sun Fire[TM] V490, Sun Fire[TM] V880, Sun Fire[TM] V880z or Sun Fire[TM] V890 Hot-Pluggable Internal Disk Drives.

  5. Verify the replacement drive still fails. If the disk drive was just replaced, and similar errors from prior to the replacement continue, go to the next step.

  6. At this point, if the user has validated that each troubleshooting step above is true for the environment, and the issue still exists, further troubleshooting is required. Gather the needed data from the console logs and by running Sun Explorer. For further assistance you may contact MOS.

Sun Fire V890 Server
Sun Fire V880 Server
Sun Fire V490 Server
Sun Fire V480 Server
Sun Fire V440 Server
Sun Fire V245 Server
Sun Fire V215 Server
Sun Fire V240 Server
Sun Fire V210 Server
Sun Fire T2000 Server
Sun Fire T1000 Server

Internal Comments
This document contains normalized content and is managed by the the Domain Lead(s) of the respective domains. To notify content owners of a knowledge gap contained in this document, and/or prior to updating this document, please contact the domain engineers that are managing this document via the "Document Feedback" alias(es) listed below:

normalized, I/O errors, failed drive, iostat
Previously Published As

Change History
Date: 2011-04-26
User name: Dencho Kojucharov
Action: Updated
Comments: Currency check, audited by Entry-Level SPARC Content Lead
Date: 2009-11-18
User name: Dencho Kojucharov
Action: Updated
Comments: Currency check, audited by Dencho Kojucharov, Entry-Level SPARC Content Lead
Date: 2007-12-24
User Name: 71396
Action: Approved
Comment: Performed final review of article.

Updated trademarking.
Checked Normalization.
Version: 4

Comment: Hi Tony,
This doc 91351 is updated as requested. The Summary section now has the statement that this information doesn't apply to systems in which disks are configured in a hardware raid volume.
Step 5 is also corrected to avoid misunderstanding.

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