Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-75-1018104.1
Update Date:2011-02-09

Solution Type  Troubleshooting Sure

Solution  1018104.1 :   Diagnosing Why a System Will Not Power On for Entry-level Sun SPARC Systems  

Related Items
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  • Sun SPARC Enterprise T2000 Server
  • Sun Fire V880 Server
  • Sun Fire V490 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>CMT Servers
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>Entry-Level Servers



This document will assist with issues that can occur when powering a system on.

  •        System will not power on
  •        No power
  •        Cannot get power
  •        No LED's

Steps to Follow
Instructions for Diagnosing Why a System Will Not Power On:
  1. Check incoming power. Confirm that the power cord(s) are securely connected at both ends and the incoming power source is known to be operational an within the required specifications. Reference specific system using the online Sun System Handbook. Select Hardware Specifications under Information Areas for exact power requirements.

  2. For systems with a physical keyswitch, make sure the system key in the keyswitch is set to the Normal or Diagnostics position when pressing the On/Standby button. Turn the keyswitch to the locked position to prevent the system from being accidentally tuned off. Remove the system key and store it in a secure place. A limited number of systems have an interlock switch which could prevent a system from powering on. To see if the system in question is affected reference: <Document: 1011578.1>

  3. Verify there have been no changes to hardware configuration such as an additional system board or power supply taken from a spare system. System boards with USIII or USIV are not interchangeable and may interfere with a system powering  on. Also note that power supplies used in systems with USIII CPU's are not compatible with USIV CPU's.          

  4. If the system still does not power on the issue may be with the power supply(s) or the power distribution board. Reference: <Document: 1010045.1>

Sun SPARC Enterprise T2000 Server
Sun Fire V890 Server
Sun Fire V880 Server
Sun Fire V490 Server
Sun Fire V480 Server
Sun Fire V440 Server
Sun Fire V240 Server

Internal Comments
This document contains normalized content and is managed by the Domain Lead(s) of the respective domains.

To notify content owners of a knowledge gap contained in this document, and/or prior to updating this document, please contact the domain engineers that are managing this document via the Document Feedback alias(es) listed below:
Normalization Lead: Jim Robbins Domain Engineer/Lead : Dencho Kojucharov

normalized, power, poweron, LED, interlock
Previously Published As

Change History
Date: 2009-11-25
User Name: Anthony Rulli
Action: Updated
Comment: currency check, audited by Anthony Rulli, Entry Level SPARC Content team
Date: 2007-12-20
User Name: 71396
Action: Accept
Version: 0

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