Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-75-1019969.1
Update Date:2011-03-25

Solution Type  Troubleshooting Sure

Solution  1019969.1 :   How to reset LDOM configuration back to factory-default?  

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This document describes steps to take to revert a system with LDOMs (Logical Domain) configured back to factory-default, i.e. with no LDOM, as first shipped out of factory.


One needs to following the steps in this document when:
- there is a need to revert system configuration back to factory-default
- sun4v system sees less memory/CPUs than what are shown in ILOM/ALOM (Integrated Lights Out Manager/Advanced Lights Out Manager).

Related Document(s):

For details on LDoms setup, please refer to the Logical Domains (LDoms) X.X.X Administration Guides, which are available on .

For details on the hardware configurations of the relevant sun4v platforms, please refer to the system specific documentations that are available on .

<Document: 1019467.1> provides detail explanation various means to check if LDOM is configured on a system.

For further details on ALOM and ILOM commands, please refer to the following documentations:

- Advanced Lights Out Management (ALOM) CMT vX.X Guide
- Sun[TM] Integrated Lights Out Manager X.X Supplement
- Platform specific Service Manuals are also available on

Please note that Primary domain is also refered as Control domain.

Steps to Follow
Please validate that each troubleshooting step below is true for your environment. The steps will provide instructions or a link to a document, for validating the step and taking corrective action as necessary. The steps are ordered in the most appropriate sequence to isolate the issue and identify the proper resolution. Please do not skip a step.

By the default, when a sun4v system is shipped out of factory, it is configured with just one domain. All CPUs and memory are assigned to this domain. This is known as factory-default.

*NOTE* Please do make sure that the other guest domains are being shutdown and not in production use before reseting to factory-default.

Once a machine is configured with LDOMs, it can be reverted back to factory-default as described below.

There are actually 2 options available to reset the system configuration back to factory-default. Use any one of the steps below.

1. Setting factory default through LDOM Manager

To actual reset the configuration, use the set-spconfig ldm(1M) subcommand:

# /opt/SUNWldm/bin/ldm set-spconfig factory-default

Next, power cycle the system to for the new factory-default configuration to take effective.

Please refer to Section [2-A.] of <Document: 1019467.1> for further details on resetting LDOM configuration using ldm(1M) command.

2. Setting factory default through Service Processor

The system configuration can also reset through the ALOM or ILOM prompt on the SC.

For machine with the ALOM on the Service Processor, use the following syntax:

sc> bootmode config="factory-default"
sc> poweroff

Wait for machine to power off.

sc> poweron -c

For machine with ILOM, use the following syntax:

-> set /HOST/bootmode config="factory-default"
-> stop /SYS
Are you sure you want to stop /SYS (y/n)? y

Wait for machine to power off.

-> start /SYS
Are you sure you want to start /SYS (y/n)? y
Starting /SYS
-> start /SP/console

This will have the configuration reset.

Please refer to Section [2-B] of <Document: 1019467.1> for further details on resetting LDOM configuration through Service Processor.

3. Data Collection for further troubleshootings

If after the above steps fail to reset system back to factory-default, please contact Sun Support with the following information:

- The latest explorer output using the latest version of explorer script.
- The console session log of the attempt to reset the system configuration to factory-default.

Please refer to <Document: 1002383.1>Sun[TM] Explorer X.XX Data Collector for the latest Explorer Script.

Logical Domain Manager 1.0.1
Sun Fire T2000 Server
Sun Fire T1000 Server
Sun Netra T2000 Server
Sun Netra T5220 Server
Sun Netra T5440 Server
Netra T5220 AC
Sun SPARC Enterprise T5220 Server
Sun SPARC Enterprise T5240 Server
Sun Blade T6300 Server Module
Sun Blade T6320 Server Module
Sun SPARC Enterprise T5120 Server
Sun SPARC Enterprise T5140 Server
Sun Blade T6340 Server Module
Sun SPARC Enterprise T2000 Server
Sun SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server
Sun SPARC Enterprise T1000 Server

Internal Comments
This document contains normalized content and is managed by the the Domain Lead(s) of the respective domains. To notify content owners of a knowledge gap contained in this document, and/or prior to updating this document, please contact the domain engineers that are managing this document via the "Document Feedback" alias(es) listed below:

Normalization Lead: global-systems-tsc-domain-engineers@Sun.COM

Normalized, factory-default, ldom, sun4v

Change History
Date: 2010-12-21
User name: Dencho Kojucharov
Action: Currency check
Comments: audited by Entry-Level SPARC Content Lead

This solution has no attachment
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