Sun Microsystems, Inc.   Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Sun StorageTek L8500 Tape Library, RoHS:YL - Components

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Option # Manufacturing
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Part #
SG-XL8500-01PP-Z [S] 594-3081 Single Phase Power Supply, L n/a
  • 380-1410
  • Base Library Primary Power Supply, N + 1, L
SG-XL8500-02DP-Z [S] 594-3066 Power Supply For Tape Drives 17 To 32, L n/a
  • 380-1403
  • Power Supply, N + 1, L
SG-XL8500-03DP-Z [S] 594-3068 Power Supply For Tape Drives 33 To 48, L n/a
  • 380-1404
  • Power Supply, N + 1, L
SG-XL8500-03PD-Z [S] 594-3083 3 Phase Delta Power Supply, L n/a
  • 380-1411
  • Base Library Primary Power Supply, N + 1, L
SG-XL8500-03PS-Z [S] 594-3088 3 Phase SUVA Power Supply, L n/a
  • 380-1413
  • Base Library Primary Power Supply, N + 1, L
SG-XL8500-03PW-Z [S] 594-3085 3 Phase WYE, Primary Power Supply (N+1), L n/a
  • 380-1412
  • Primary Power Supply (N+1), L
SG-XL8500-04DP-Z [S] 594-3069 Power Supply For Tape Drives 49 To 64, L n/a
  • 380-1405
  • Power Supply (N + 1), L
SG-XL8500-04RP-Z [S] 594-3098 Power Supply For 4 Robot Arms, L n/a
  • 380-1418
  • Robot Power Supplies (N + 1), L
SG-XL8500-08RP-Z [S] 594-3147 Power Supply for 8 Robot Arms, L n/a
  • 380-1441
  • Robot Power Supplies (N + 1), L
SG-XL8500-1RDP-Z [S] 594-3071 Power Supply For Tape Drives 1 To 16, L n/a
  • 380-1406
  • Power Supply (N + 1), L
SG-XL8500-2RDP-Z [S] 594-3074 2N Redundant Power Supply For Tape Drives 17 To 32, L n/a
  • 380-1407
  • Power Supply (N + 1), L
SG-XL8500-3RDP-Z [S] 594-3076 2N Redundant Power Supply For Tape Drives 33 To 48, L n/a
  • 380-1408
  • Power Supply (N + 1), L
SG-XL8500-4RDP-Z [S] 594-3078 2N Redundant Power Supply For Tape Drives 49 To 64, L n/a
  • 380-1409
  • Power Supply (N + 1), L
SG-XL8500-4RRP-Z [S] 594-3102 2N Power Supply For 4 Robot Arms, L n/a
  • 380-1419
  • Robot Power Supply (N + 1), L
SG-XL8500-8RRP-Z [S] 594-3143 2N Power Supply For 8 Robot Arms, L n/a
  • 380-1437
  • Robot Power Supplies (N + 1), L
SG-XL8500-R1PR-Z 12 [S] 594-3090 2N Redundant Single Phase Power Supply, L n/a
  • 380-1414
  • Power Supply (N + 1), L
SG-XL8500-R3PD-Z 13 [S] 594-3092 2N Redundant Three Phase Delta Power Supply, L n/a
  • 380-1415
  • Robot Power Supply (N + 1), L
SG-XL8500-R3PS-Z 14 [S] 594-3097 2N Redundant Three Phase SUVA Power Supply, L n/a
  • 380-1417
  • Power Supply (N + 1), L
SG-XL8500-R3PW-Z 15 [S] 594-3094 2N Redundant Three Phase WYE Power Supply, L n/a
  • 380-1416
  • Power Supply (N + 1), L
SG-XL85000108RP-Z 16 [S] 594-3144 N+1 Power Supply Upgrade (from 4 to 8 Robot Arms), L n/a
  • 380-1438
  • N+1 Power Supply Upgrade (from 4 to 8 Robot Arms, HandBots), L
SG-XL850018RRP-Z [S] 594-3145 2N Power Supply for Upgrading from 4 to 8 Robot Arms, L n/a
  • 380-1439
  • Power Supply Upgrade (from 4 to 8 Robot Arms, HandBots), L
SG-XL8500PT-2PW-Z 17 [S] 594-3150 Pass-Through-Port (PTP) Redundant Power Option. n/a
  • 380-1444
  • PTP Power Supply,
12 Supplies 220 VAC power to redundant 220VAC load sharing power supplies for tape drives, robots, or front frame components. Required when purchasing the 2nd & 4th optional 19" racks (SG-XL8500-2RAC-Z & SG-XL8500-4RAC-Z).
13 Supplies 220 VAC power to redundant 220 VAC load sharing power supplies for tape drives, robots, or front frame components. Required when purchasing the 2nd and 4th opitional 19" racks (SG-XL8500-2RAC-Z and SG-XL8500-4RAC-Z).
14 Supplies 220 VAC power to redundant 220 VAC load sharing power supplies for the tape drives, robots, or front frame components. Required when purchasing the 2nd and 4th opitional 19" racks (SG-XL8500-2RAC-Z and SG-XL8500-4RAC-Z).
15 Redundant AC power grid supplies 220 VAC power to redundant 220VAC load sharing power supplies for the tape drives, robots, or front frame components. Required when purchasing the 2nd and 4th opitional 19" racks (SG-XL8500-2RAC-Z and SG-XL8500-4RAC-Z).
16 Must also have set of 4 robotic arms and be upgrading to 8 robotic arms.
17 Order one (1) x-option for up to five (5) L8500's being connected together in a “2N Power” configuration.

Table Legend
[F] = Field Replaceable Unit (FRU)
[C] = Customer Replaceable Unit (CRU)
[S] = Supported, but can no longer be ordered with this system
[N] = No longer supported for this system
Price = Price this Part

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