Sun Microsystems, Inc.   Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Sun StorEdge 3120 Array, RoHS:YL - Full Components List

Table Legend
[F] = Field Replaceable Unit (FRU)
[C] = Customer Replaceable Unit (CRU)
[S] = Supported, but can no longer be ordered with this system
[N] = No longer supported for this system
Price = Price this Part

Option # Manufacturing
Part #
Description Previous
Part #
X1136A-Z Price 530-3629 [F] Ultra-3 SCSI cable, VHDCI/VHDCI, 0.8M, n/a
X1138A-Z Price 530-3630 [F] Ultra-3 SCSI cable, VHDCI/VHDCI, 2M, n/a
X3830B-Z Price 530-3631 [F] Ultra-3 SCSI cable, VHDCI/VHDCI, 4M, n/a
X3831B-Z Price 530-3632 [F] Ultra-3 SCSI cable, VHDCI/VHDCI, 10M, L n/a
X3810A-Z [S] 530-3563 [F] External SCSI Cable, SCSI-3/SCSI-3 (68-pin), 4m, n/a
Option # Manufacturing
Part #
Description Previous
Part #
XTA-SC1NC-146G10K [S] 540-6450 [F] 146.8GB - 10000 RPM, Disk Assembly with one of the following disks, n/a
  • Fujitsu MAW3147NC [MAW3147NCSUN146G]
    (146GB - 10000 RPM - SCSI Disk),
  • Hitachi HUS103014FL3800 [HUS10143ASUN146G]
    (146GB - 10000 RPM - SCSI Disk),
  • Seagate ST3146707LC [ST314670LSUN146G]
    (146GB - 10000 RPM - SCSI Disk),
XTA-SC1NC-146G15K [S] 540-6494 [F] 146.8GB - 15000 RPM, Disk Assembly with one of the following disks, L n/a
  • Seagate ST3146854LC [ST314685LSUN146G]
    (146GB - 15000 RPM - SCSI Disk),
  • Hitachi HUS151414VL3800 [HUS15143ASUN146G]
    (146GB - 15000 RPM - SCSI Disk),
  • Fujitsu MAX3147NC [MAX3147NCSUN146G]
    (146GB - 15000 RPM - SCSI Disk),
  • Seagate ST3146855LC [ST314655LSUN146G]
    (146GB - 15000 RPM - SCSI Disk),
  • Hitachi HUS153014VL3800 [HUS15143BSUN146G]
    (146GB - 15000 RPM - SCSI Disk),
XTA-SC1NC-300G10K [S] 540-6132 [F] 300.0GB - 10000 RPM, Disk Assembly with one of the following disks, n/a
  • Fujitsu MAW3300NC [MAW3300NCSUN300G]
    (300GB - 10000 RPM - SCSI Disk),
  • Seagate ST3300007LC [ST330000LSUN300G]
    (300GB - 10000 RPM - SCSI Disk),
XTA-SC1NC-300G15K [S] 540-7160 [F] 300GB - 15000 RPM, Disk Assembly with one of the following disks, L n/a
  • Seagate ST3300655LC [ST330055LSUN300G]
    (300GB - 15000 RPM - SCSI Disk),
  • Hitachi HUS153030VL3800 [HUS15303BSUN300G]
    (300GB - 15000 RPM - SCSI Disk),
XTA-SC1NC-73G10K [S] 540-6448 [F] 73.4GB - 10000 RPM, Disk Assembly with one of the following disks, n/a
  • Fujitsu MAW3073NC [MAW3073NCSUN73G]
    (73.4GB - 10000 RPM - SCSI Disk),
  • Hitachi HUS103073FL3800 [HUS10733ASUN72]
    (73.4GB - 10000 RPM - SCSI Disk),
  • Seagate ST373207LC [ST373207LSUN72G]
    (73.4GB - 10000 RPM - SCSI Disk),
XTA-SC1NC-73G15K [S] 540-6449 [F] 73.4GB - 15000 RPM, Disk Assembly with one of the following disks, L n/a
  • Seagate ST373454LC [ST373454LSUN72G]
    (73.4GB - 15000 RPM - SCSI Disk),
  • Hitachi HUS151473VL3800 [HUS15733ASUN72G]
    (73.4GB - 15000 RPM - SCSI Disk),
  • Fujitsu MAX3073NC [MAX3073NCSUN72G]
    (73.4GB - 15000 RPM - SCSI Disk),
  • Seagate ST373455LC [ST373455LSUN72G]
    (73.4GB - 15000 RPM - SCSI Disk),
  • Hitachi HUS153073VL3800 [HUS15733BSUN72G]
    (73.4GB - 15000 RPM - SCSI Disk), L
Option # Manufacturing
Part #
Description Previous
Part #
XTA-3000-1UAC-KITZ [S] 371-0536 [F] AC Power Supply/Fan Module, L n/a
XTA-3000-1UDC-KITZ [S] 371-0535 [F] DC Power Supply/Fan Module, n/a
Option # Manufacturing
Part #
Description Previous
Part #
XTA-3000-1URK-19CZ [S] 371-0851 SE3000 Rack Kit, 1U, 19" Telco Cabinet Center Mount, L n/a
XTA-3000-1URK-19FZ [S] 371-0850 SE3000 Rack Kit, 1U, 19" Telco Cabinet Front Mount, L n/a
XTA-3000-1URK-19UZ [S] 371-0853 SE3000 1U Universal Rack Sliding Rail Kit, L n/a
Option # Manufacturing
Part #
Description Previous
Part #
SG-XPCIE2SCSIU320Z Price 375-3357 Dual-Channel Ultra320 LVD SCSI PCI Express Adapter, n/a
SGXPCI1SCSILM320-Z Price 375-3366 PCI/PCI-X Single Ultra320 SCSI Adapter n/a
SGXPCI2SCSILM320-Z Price 375-3365 1 PCI Dual Ultra320 SCSI Adapter, L n/a
X4422A-2 [S] 501-7490 Dual GigabitEthernet / Dual SCSI PCI Adapter, n/a
1 Ultra320 SCSI HBA (375-3365-01 REV 52) FCode 1.13 fails to work on all Sun Platforms, replace it with 375-3365-02 REV 50. See Problem article 1013105.1.
NOTE: For FRU/CRU status, see host system's Full Components List.
Whole System FRU
Option # Manufacturing
Part #
Description Previous
Part #
n/a 371-0537 [F] 1U JBOD U320 CHASSIS+I/O Board, L n/a

Table Legend
[F] = Field Replaceable Unit (FRU)
[C] = Customer Replaceable Unit (CRU)
[S] = Supported, but can no longer be ordered with this system
[N] = No longer supported for this system
Price = Price this Part

Exploded View

Sun StorEdge 3120, RoHS:YL Exploded View
Table Legend
[F] = Field Replaceable Unit (FRU)
[C] = Customer Replaceable Unit (CRU)
[S] = Supported, but can no longer be ordered with this system
[N] = No longer supported for this system
Price = Price this Part
NS = Not Shown

Code Manufacturing Part# Description
NS 371-0538 [F] LED/Reset Switch Board, L
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