Sun Microsystems, Inc.   Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Sun Blade 1000 - Full Components List

Table Legend
[F] = Field Replaceable Unit (FRU)
[C] = Customer Replaceable Unit (CRU)
[S] = Supported, but can no longer be ordered with this system
[N] = No longer supported for this system
Price = Price this Part
System Notes:
Check out the list of third party solutions that have proven interoperability on Sun SPARC Solaris and various UltraSPARC platforms. These third party solutions are part of the Solaris Ready Program.

Option # Manufacturing
Part #
Description Previous
Part #
n/a 540-3258 [F] Drive Bay Assembly w/ Backplane n/a
  • 330-2427
  • Drive Bracket
  • 540-4182
  • FC-AL Backplane Assembly
    • 501-4586
    • FC-AL Backplane
    • 530-2488
    • FC-AL Cable
Option # Manufacturing
Part #
Description Previous
Part #
n/a 150-2850 [F] 3V Lithium Battery BR1632 / CR1632, n/a
Socket Manufacturing
Part #
U2103 525-1807 111292
U2103 525-1899 111292
CPU Module
Option # Manufacturing
Part #
Description Previous
Part #
X6898A [S] 501-4999 [F] 600MHz UltraSPARC III Module n/a
X6990A [S] 501-5675 [F] 750MHz UltraSPARC III Module n/a
X7000A [S] 501-6197 [F] 900MHz UltraSPARC III Module n/a
X7009A [S] 501-6747 [F] 900MHz UltraSPARC III Cu Module
(501-6002 screened for processor flatness)
n/a 501-5770 [F] 900MHz UltraSPARC III Module n/a
n/a 501-6002 [F] 900MHz UltraSPARC III Cu Module n/a
n/a 501-6286 [F] 900MHz UltraSPARC III Module n/a
Option # Manufacturing
Part #
Description Previous
Part #
X1400A [S] 370-4233 MicroPayflex smart cards with Sun artwork, pack of 25 n/a
n/a 370-3933 [F] Smart Card Reader (single-sided) n/a
n/a 370-4666 [F] Smart Card Reader (double-sided) n/a
Option # Manufacturing
Part #
Description Previous
Part #
X1152A [S] 370-2811 [C] FDDI/P SAS 2.0 n/a
X1153A [S] 370-2812 [C] FDDI/P DAS 2.0 n/a
X1155A [S] 370-2728 [C] High Speed Serial Interface PCI (HSI/P) 2.0 n/a
X1157A [S] 501-3028 [C] SunATM-155/MFiber PCI 4.0 n/a
X1158A [S] 501-3027 [C] SunATM-155/UTP PCI 4.0 n/a
X1159A [S] 501-3029 [C] SunATM-622/MFiber PCI 4.0 n/a
X2154A [S] 375-0073 [C] Token Ring Interface (TRI/P) 5.0 n/a
X2156A [S] 375-0100 [C] Serial Asynchronous Interface PCI (SAI/P) 3.0 n/a
X4011A [S] 501-6039 [C] Crypto Accelerator 4000 UTP (copper) n/a
X4012A [S] 501-6040 [C] Crypto Accelerator 4000 MMF (fiber) n/a
X4111A [S] 501-6039 [C] Crypto Accelerator 4000 UTP (copper) n/a
X4112A [S] 501-6040 [C] Crypto Accelerator 4000 MMF (fiber) n/a
X6762A [S] 375-3089 [C] Crypto Accelerator 1000 n/a
Option # Manufacturing
Part #
Description Previous
Part #
X6724A [S] 540-4525 [C] 36.4GB - 10000 RPM FC-AL, Disk Assembly with 1 bracket, 1 of the following plates, and 1 of the following disks: n/a
  • 340-6640
  • Plate
  • 340-7269
  • Plate,
  • Seagate ST336704FC [ST336704FSUN36G]
    (36.4GB - 10000 RPM - FC-AL Disk)
  • Seagate ST336605FC [ST336605FSUN36G]
    (36.4GB - 10000 RPM - FC-AL Disk)
  • Seagate ST336607FC [ST336607FSUN36G]
    (36.4GB - 10000 RPM - FC-AL Disk)
  • 1" SPUD Bracket,
X6728A [S] 540-4673 [C] 18.2GB - 10000 RPM FC-AL, Disk Assembly with 1 bracket, 1 of the following plates, and 1 of the following disks: n/a
  • 340-6640
  • Plate
  • 340-7269
  • Plate,
  • Seagate ST318203FC [ST318203FSUN18G]
    (18.2GB - 10000 RPM - FC-AL Disk)
  • Seagate ST318304FC [ST3183046SUN18G]
    (18.2GB - 10000 RPM - FC-AL Disk)
  • 1" SPUD Bracket,
X6742A [S] 540-4905 [C] 73.4GB - 10000 RPM FC-AL, Disk Assembly with 1 bracket, 1 of the following plates, and 1 of the following disks: n/a
  • 340-6640
  • Plate
  • 340-7269
  • Plate,
  • Seagate ST373405FC [ST373405FSUN72G]
    (73.4GB - 10000 RPM - FC-AL Disk)
  • Seagate ST373307FC [ST373307FSUN72G]
    (73.4GB - 10000 RPM - FC-AL Disk)
  • Seagate ST373207FC [ST373207FSUN72G]
    (73.4GB - 10000 RPM - FC-AL Disk)
  • 1" SPUD Bracket,
Option # Manufacturing
Part #
Description Previous
Part #
X1033A [S] 501-5019 [C] Sun FastEthernet PCI Adapter (FE/P) 2.0 n/a
X1034A [S] 501-5406 [C] Quad FastEthernet PCI (QFE/P) n/a
X1141A [S] 501-4373 [C] Gigabit Ethernet PCI (GBE/P) 2.0 n/a
X1150A [S] 501-5902 [C] Sun GigaSwift Ethernet UTP (Copper) n/a
X1151A [S] 501-5524 [C] Sun GigaSwift Ethernet MMF (Fiber) n/a
X3150A [S] 501-5902 [C] Sun GigaSwift Ethernet UTP (Copper) n/a
X3151A [S] 501-5524 [C] Sun GigaSwift Ethernet MMF (Fiber) n/a
X4150A [S] 501-6719 [C] GigaSwift Ethernet UTP (GCS) n/a
X4151A [S] 501-6762 [C] GigaSwift Ethernet MMF (GFS) n/a
X4444A 2 [S] 501-6522 [C] Quad GigaSwift Ethernet UTP (QGE) n/a
X4445A [S] 501-6738 [C] Quad GigaSwift PCI-X Ethernet (QGE-X), n/a
2 If replacing X4444A with X4445A (same driver but different chip set), a reconfigure boot is required. See Problem article 1003454.1.
Fibre Channel
Option # Manufacturing
Part #
Description Previous
Part #
SG-XPCI1FC-QF4 Price 375-3354 [C] 4Gb PCI-X Single FC Host Adapter, n/a
SG-XPCI2FC-QF4 Price 375-3294 [C] 4Gb PCI-X Dual FC Host Adapter, n/a
SG-XPCI1FC-EM2 [S] 375-3304 [C] 2Gb PCI-X Single FC Host Adapter, n/a
SG-XPCI1FC-JF2 [S] 375-3156 [C] JNI 2Gb PCI Single FC Host Adapter n/a
SG-XPCI1FC-QF2 [S] 375-3102 [C] 2Gb PCI Single FC Host Adapter n/a
SG-XPCI1FC-QL2 [S] 375-3383 [C] 2Gb PCI-X Single FC Host Adapter, n/a
SG-XPCI2FC-EM2 [S] 375-3305 [C] 2Gb PCI-X Dual FC Host Adapter, n/a
SG-XPCI2FC-JF2 [S] 375-3157 [C] JNI 2Gb PCI Dual FC Host Adapter n/a
SG-XPCI2FC-QF2 [S] 375-3108 [C] 2Gb PCI/PCI-X Dual FC Host Adapter n/a
  • 240-4839
  • Low Profile Bracket,
SG-XPCI2FC-QF2-Z [S] 375-3363 [C] 2Gb PCI/PCI-X Dual FC Host Adapter, n/a
  • 240-4839
  • Low Profile Bracket,
X6727A [S] 375-3030 [C] PCI Dual FC Host Adapter+, L n/a
X6767A 3 [S] 375-3102 [C] 2Gb PCI Single FC Host Adapter n/a
X6768A 4 [S] 375-3108 [C] 2Gb PCI/PCI-X Dual FC Host Adapter n/a
  • 240-4839
  • Low Profile Bracket,
X6799A [S] 375-3019 5 [C] PCI Single FC Host Adapter n/a
3 X6767A changed to SG-XPCI1FC-QF2 in July 2003
4 X6768A changed to SG-XPCI2FC-QF2 in July 2003
5 375-3019 with SC connector is no longer available. The substitute adapter uses a smaller LC connector.
Option # Manufacturing
Part #
Description Previous
Part #
X1089A [S] 370-4072 [C] SunVideo Plus n/a
X3256A [S] 540-5476 [C] XVR-1000 Graphics Accelerator (FFB3) n/a
X3668A [S] 370-3753 [C] PGX32 8/24-Bit Color Frame Buffer n/a
X3670A [S] 501-5690 [C] Creator3D Series 3 (FFB2+) 501-4788 [C]
X3677A [S] 501-5574 [C] Elite3D-m3 Series 2 Accelerator n/a
X3678A [S] 370-3987 [C] Expert3D 24-Bit Color Frame Buffer n/a
X3679A [S] 540-4313 [C] Elite3D-m6 Series 2 Accelerator n/a
X3684A [S] 375-3052 [C] Expert3D Lite PCI Frame Buffer n/a
X3685A [S] 375-3069 [C] XVR-500 Graphics Accelerator n/a
X3768A [S] 370-4362 [C] PGX64 8/24-Bit Color Frame Buffer n/a
n/a 540-4298 [C] XVR-1000 Graphics Accelerator (FFB3) n/a
Socket Manufacturing
Part #
Component Type Host ID
U2101 525-1788 [F] SEEPROM xxxxxxxx
Input Device
Option # Manufacturing
Part #
Description Previous
Part #
X3682A [S] 370-4161 [C] Sun 1394 Visual Collaboration Kit n/a
X499A [S] 595-5343 PCI Multimedia Kit n/a
  • Sun Microphone II
  • CCD Camera II
Option # Manufacturing
Part #
Description Previous
Part #
X7050A [S] 512MB (4 × 128MB SDRAM DIMMs)
501-4489 [C] 128MB SDRAM DIMM n/a
X7051A [S] 2 GB (4 × 512MB SDRAM DIMMs)
501-7385 [C] 512MB SDRAM DIMM, L 501-5030 [C] 
X7052A [S] 4 GB (4 × 1GB SDRAM DIMMs)
501-5031 [C] 1GB SDRAM DIMM n/a
X7053A [S] 1 GB (4 × 256MB SDRAM DIMMs)
501-5401 [C] 256MB SDRAM DIMM 540-5084
X7061A [S] 1 GB (4 × 256MB SDRAM DIMMs)
501-6175 [C] 256MB SDRAM DIMM CR1/LC1 n/a
X7062A [S] 2 GB (4 × 512MB SDRAM DIMMs)
501-6174 [C] 512MB SDRAM DIMM CR1/LC1 n/a
X7063A [S] 4 GB (4 × 1GB SDRAM DIMMs)
501-6173 [C] 1GB SDRAM DIMM CR1/LC1 n/a
n/a 501-5030 [C] 512MB SDRAM DIMM 540-5085
n/a F511-1030 6 [C] Package of 25 × 512MB SDRAM DIMMs n/a
501-5030 [C] 
n/a F511-1031 8 [C] Package of 25 × 1GB SDRAM DIMMs n/a
501-6109 [C]
6 See FAB article1000920 (formerly 201233) for details.
8 See FAB article1000920.1 (formerly 201233) for details.
Option # Manufacturing
Part #
Description Previous
Part #
X1131A-64.2 [S] 375-0095 [C] SunPCi 400MHz n/a
X2131A [S] 375-0131 [C] SunPCi II 600MHz, 64MB memory n/a
X2132A [S] 375-3051 [C] SunPCi IIpro 733MHz coprocessor card n/a
X2134A [S] 375-3116 [C] SunPCi III 1.4GHz Co-Processor Card, 256MB memory n/a
X7035A [S] 370-3801 [C] SunPCi 128MB memory expansion n/a
X7041A [S] 370-3800 [C] SunPCi 64MB memory expansion n/a
X7042A [S] 370-4294 [C] SunPCi II 128MB memory expansion n/a
X7044A [S] 370-4295 [C] SunPCi II 256MB memory expansion n/a
X7045A [S] 370-4430 [C] SunPCi IIpro 512MB memory expansion n/a
X7066A [S] 370-5463 [C] SunPCi III 256MB SODIMM memory expansion n/a
X7067A [S] 370-5967 [C] SunPCi III 512MB SODIMM memory expansion n/a
n/a 501-4155 [C] Audio Module n/a
Option # Manufacturing
Part #
Description Previous
Part #
n/a 300-1357 [F] Sony 670 Watt (12A) Power Supply n/a
n/a 300-1411 Sony 670 Watt (6A) Danish Power Supply n/a
Removable Media
Option # Manufacturing
Part #
Description Previous
Part #
X6006A [S] 370-2730 [C] Manual Eject Triple Density Floppy n/a
X6168A [S] 390-0025 [C] 10X DVD-ROM Drive n/a
X6282A [S] 370-2377 [C] 12-24GB 4 mm DDS-3 Tape Drive n/a
X6295A [S] 390-0028 [C] 20-40GB 4 mm DDS-4 Tape Drive (Medium Grey Bezel) n/a
Option # Manufacturing
Part #
Description Previous
Part #
SG-XPCI2SCSI-LM320 [S] 375-3191 [C] PCI/PCI-X Dual Ultra320 SCSI Adapter n/a
X1032A [S] 501-5656 [C] Single-Ended Ultra/Wide SCSI/FastEthernet (SunSwift PCI) n/a
X2222A [S] 501-5727 [C] Dual FastEthernet / Dual SCSI PCI Adapter n/a
X4422A [S] 501-6635 [C] Dual GigabitEthernet / Dual SCSI PCI Adapter n/a
X5010A [S] 375-0097 [C] Single-Channel Single-Ended Ultra/Wide SCSI (PCI) n/a
X6540A [S] 375-0005 [C] Dual Single-Ended Ultra/Wide SCSI (PCI) n/a
X6541A [S] 375-0006 [C] Dual Differential Ultra/Wide SCSI (UDWIS/P)(HVD) n/a
X6758A [S] 375-3057 9 [C] PCI Dual Ultra3 SCSI Host Adapter (LVD) n/a
9 The necessary drivers (SUNWqus, SUNWqusu, SUNWqusx, & SUNWqusux) and patches for this product are not included in Solaris 8 or 9, but must be downloaded. Please see How To article 1018123.1 for details.
System Board
Option # Manufacturing
Part #
Description Previous
Part #
n/a 501-4143 [F] 0MB FRU (SCHIZO <=2.1) n/a
n/a 501-5938 [F] 0MB FRU (SCHIZO 2.2) n/a
n/a 501-6230 [F] 0MB FRU (SCHIZO >=2.2) n/a
n/a 501-6560 [F] 0MB FRU (SCHIZO 2.5) n/a

Table Legend
[F] = Field Replaceable Unit (FRU)
[C] = Customer Replaceable Unit (CRU)
[S] = Supported, but can no longer be ordered with this system
[N] = No longer supported for this system
Price = Price this Part

Exploded View

Sun Blade 1000 Exploded View
Table Legend
[F] = Field Replaceable Unit (FRU)
[C] = Customer Replaceable Unit (CRU)
[S] = Supported, but can no longer be ordered with this system
[N] = No longer supported for this system
Price = Price this Part
NS = Not Shown

Code Manufacturing Part# Description
1 599-2144 Chassis Assembly
  • 540-4477
  • Receiving Chassis
    • 330-2983
    • Processor Module Slot Filler Panel
    • 540-3256
    • Chassis Assembly
      • 540-3447
      • Chassis Housing Assembly
        • 330-4033
        • Chassis Front,
        • 330-4034
        • Chassis Rear
        • 340-4036
        • I/O Panel
        • 340-4037
        • Peripheral Bay Shelf
    • 540-4136
    • System Board Shroud Assembly
      • 330-2705
      • System Board Shroud
    • 540-4137
    • CPU Module Shroud Cover Assembly
      • 330-2706
      • CPU Module Shroud Cover
2 330-2313 Right Side Cover, Charcoal Grey (<=330-2313-10)
3 330-2315 Top Cover, Charcoal Grey (<=330-2315-10)
4 540-3448 Curved Front Bezel Assembly, Purple
5 540-3265 Peripheral Assembly
  • 340-4067
  • 3 1/2" Device Internal Filler Panel
  • 340-4068
  • 5 1/4" Device Internal Filler Panel
  • 340-4764
  • 5 1/4" Filler Panel with 3 1/2" Cutout
  • 540-3681
  • Peripheral Bracket with Faceplate
    • 340-4858
    • Bracket
    • 340-4859
    • Faceplate
6 540-3873 Peripheral Bezel Assembly
  • 330-2323
  • Power Button (not replaceable)
  • 330-2324
  • Lightpipe (not replaceable)
  • 330-2404
  • Bezel (not replaceable)
  • 330-2510
  • 5 1/4" Filler Panel with 3 1/2" Cutout
  • 330-2714
  • 5 1/4" Filler Panel
  • 330-2715
  • 3 1/2" Filler Panel
7 530-2583 [F] Combined Cable for Interlock, LED, Power Switch, and Speaker
8 530-2582 [F] Peripheral DC Power Cable
9 370-1579 [F] Speaker
10 370-3718 [F] 120 mm Fan (x2)
  • 330-2416
  • Fan Bracket
NS 150-3112 [F] On/Off Switch
NS 150-3114 [F] Interlock Switch
NS 240-2750 PCI Filler Panel
NS 330-2321 Foot
NS 340-3559 Audio Module Filler Panel
NS 340-6395 Torque Tool
  • 330-2937
  • Torque Tool Carrier
NS 530-2068 [F] DB25 to 36-Pin Centronics Parallel Cable, 5M
NS 530-2093 [F] Shielded RJ45 to RJ45 Cable, 4M
NS 530-2346 [F] Floppy Data Cable
NS 530-2881 [F] Glow-Go Cable
NS 540-2540 [F] Lockbox
NS 540-3257 Left Cover Assembly, Dove Grey
NS 540-4696 [F] Shroud/Shroud Cover Assembly
  • 540-4136
  • System Board Shroud Assembly
    • 330-2705
    • System Board Shroud
  • 540-4137
  • CPU Module Shroud Cover Assembly
    • 330-2706
    • CPU Module Shroud Cover
NS 560-2613 [F] Cable Service Kit
  • 530-2688
  • SCSI Data Cable
  • 530-2944
  • Smart Card Reader Cable, 20"
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